Page 54 - BR August 2023
P. 54

August 2023                                                                          August 2023

        FIRST THURSDAY CLUB                                                                                BERE REGIS NEWS
                                                                                            BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL

       On windy 2  July some of us went to the Pre Roman
       village at Winterborne Kingston.  This is a archeology                               Chairman:       n Park   07970 727792
       dig being undertaken by Bournemouth University.  It
       was very well organized and Hilda and I took Tony
       Bates.  On arrival we had coffee and then caught the minibus to avoid the walk       Vice      Bryan     07969 770890
       to the site.  Here on top of the Farm we contemplated life here nearly 2000 years    Chairman:  Benjafield
       ago.  We were amazed by the size of the settlement and peered into  dug chalk
                                              pits and admired the view.  In nearby         Parish    Amanda    07855 396073
                                              marquees we could examine finds of            Clerk:     Crocker
                                              pottery  and  bones  all  expertly
                                              explained  by  the  enthusiastic
                                              University.  Diggers.    We  were  on  the    Websites: 
                                              first  tour  party  but  it  occurred  to  me
                                              they  may  not  have  been  so
                                              enthusiastic  by  the  end  of  the  day.     The Parish Council met on Thursday 13th July 2023 in the Village Hall. 8 members of
                                              There  were  over  three  hundred             the  public  were  present.  Members  of  the  press  and  public  are  welcome  and
                                              visitors by midday.  After another ride       there is a period for public participation at the start. If you are unable to attend
                                              back  to  the  farm  in  the  Minibus  we     but  wish  to  submit  a  comment  or  question,  please  contact  the  Clerk  or  any
                                              could examine  more finds  indulge in         member of the Parish Council.
       refreshments including Roses Purbeck Ice cream before returning to Bere Regis.
       You  may  well ask what  has this  to do with  the  first  Thursday  club  but  this is  the   Parish Council Vacancy
       subject  of  our  talk  in  September  when  one  of  the  lead  archeologists  will  bring
       some  of  the  finds  and  give  us  a  presentation  on  the  work  on  this  site.    If  you   We are delighted to welcome Rachel Payne to the Parish Council. She has very
       missed this day you can come to our talk in September and there will be another      kindly offered to act as Community Speed Watch Co-ordinator and assist with the
       visit to the dig next year.                                                          Traffic Focus Group.

       It seemed like the last sunny day in July and we had nearly forty members arrive
       for our regular meeting.  The booked speaker was unavailable. But…..                 Village Meeting – July 15th
       Hilda Montgomery stepped into the breach and gave us a fascinating talk on her       This  was  very  well  attended  and  each  of  the  four  presentations  were  well
       cruise round the Galapogas Islands.  This was clearly the holiday of a lifetime to   received and will be available on the Parish Council website. Over 100 residents
       celebrate  her  retirement.    We  were  shown  Blue  Footed  Boobies,  Red  billed   attended  the  Wyatt  Homes  event  in  the  afternoon  and  the  link  to  their
       Frigate birds finches and Penguins.  There were seals iguanas and tortoises.  After   consultation  website is  also  available  on  the  Parish  Council  website.  It  is  hoped
       40 minutes  of wishing we could  go too we  were  treated  to tea  with  cake  and   that another meeting will be held towards the end of this year, or very early next
       sandwiches.                                                                          year, to bring everyone up to date with the progress of the various sites and the
                                                                                            Neighbourhood Plan Review.
       Next  month  we now  have the  talk  we were  hoping for  this  month.  Ian  and Di
       Ventham are telling us the story of their pilgrimage to India.   This is an exploration
       into their  family history of the British Army in service in India.  Please come.  Its on   Mays Wood path
       the first Thursday 3  august at the Scout Hut  2.30 p.m.  Cost £3.00 to include tea.
                                                                                            The issue of the closed path has been raised on a number of occasions. Tilhill, the

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