Page 65 - br-aug-2020
P. 65

August 2020                          August 2020

 Wessex Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (WRFCC).  They will consider the   IT’S A DOG’S LIFE
 co-ordination  of  proposed  schemes  and  how  the  costs  and  benefits  of  any
 investment  can  be  spread  between  geographical  areas,  communities  and
 sectors.   DOG DAYS
 The new Dorset Coastal Engineering Partnership area stretches from Lyme Regis in   The dog days of summer are when Sirius (The Dog Star) appears to rise just before
 the west to Chewton Bunny in the east.   the sun in late July.    These days coincide with the flowering of the dog rose and
       are  often  the  hottest  time  of  the  year,  a  period  that  could  bring  fever  or even

       catastrophe.        The  Dog  Rose  is  so  named  because  of  its  prickly  nature  and  a
 Virtual Council Meetings   belief that the roots should be used if one is bitten by a rabid dog.  Hence the
       expression  “Mad  dogs  and  Englishmen  go  out  in  the  Midday  sun”.  It  may  also
 Although there has been a campaign by government to get people to return to
 work, we have been advised that this is not to be the case for Councils and that   explain  why  we  get  riots  on  hot  days  and  why,  mad  people  converged  on
 we  should continue  to  work  virtually for  the  moment.  This is  disappointing  as  we   Bournemouth Beach on the only really hot day of the year so far.
 were  planning  on  holding  “hybrid”  meetings  from  September  with  some
 Councillors  in  attendance  and  some  who  are  still  shielding  attending  over  the   My  owner  went  to
       Ringstead to sit on the
 internet. We are taking advice and will be looking to restart as soon as we can. In   beach  and  look  at
 any  case  the  legislation  for  holding  virtual  meetings  has  a  “sunset  clause”  that   the   cruise   liners
 stipulates we can not do this after March of next year.
       moored     out    in
       Weymouth  Bay.    I
       didn’t  go  as  it  was
 The financial impact of Covid 19 on housing
       thought  it  would  too
 Citizens Advice and Shelter are   hot  and  too  stony  on
 joining  forces  to  help  local      the  beach  for  me.    I
 people cope with the financial   LOVE  GOING  TO  THE
 impact  of  the  Coronavirus   BEACH .  I rush around
 crisis. One of the effects of the   make   friends   with
 ongoing  crisis  is  that  some   everyone   on   the
 D o r s e t    r e s i d e n t s    a r e   beach  getting  them
 experiencing  pressure  on  their   to throw things for me.  They think I am a lost dog.  My owner pretends I am not
 finances. Many individuals and   her dog as I am embarrassing her.
 families   have   seen   their   I know lockdown is easing but as far as I am concerned its worse.  I AM BORED,
 incomes  reduce  over  the  past   BORED, BORED!  My owner has purchased a Now TV stick and has persevered to
 few  months  and  this  has  had   install it on the TV so she can watch test cricket.  She worked out that with three
 the  impact  of  increasing  rent   test matches in a calendar month she can watch three games (15 days) for one
 and  mortgage  arrears  for  these  residents;  many  of  whom  were  already   month’s  subscription.    She  did  intend  to  keep  it  until  September  so  she  could
 experiencing very tight budgets.
       watch the Ryder cup Golf but as that has been cancelled.   I think she will cancel
  Whilst there is currently a hold on actual court repossession action, the concern is   at the end of the month.  I am delighted.    Honestly cricket, it goes on an on, for
 that this problem is building up and without early action, people’s homes could be   FIVE  DAYS!!!    She  sits  there  doing  her  knitting  squirming  with  excitement  on  the
 under threat.  With good advice and support, those experiencing difficulties can   televised  reviews  or  slumped  in  the  chair  snoring.    She  was  really  gloomy  after
 maximise their income and manage any rent or mortgage arrears in a way that   England lost the first test.  At the time of writing we have two more tests to go.  I
 keeps them in their home. Kate Parker from Shelter Dorset commented: "It's about   don’t know if I can cope.
 getting the right help early on. We really encourage people to seek support from   What  humans  don’t  realize  is  that,  their  dogs  watch  them  all  the  time.    In  the
 our specialist housing team before it reaches a crisis point."
       mornings when I want to go out for a walk she is on Facebook, checking emails
       and I often get quite cross.  What can be more important than taking me out?

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