Page 60 - br-aug-2020
P. 60

August 2020                                                                          August 2020

       Dorset my Dorset                                                                     BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND
       Dorset, my Dorset, the county where I was born                                       ENVIRONMENT GROUP
       With green fields and watercress beds and fields of golden corn
       I love your pretty villages, cottages with thatch
                                                                                            At  the  time  of  writing  the  fine,  warm,  sunny  weather
       You have a charm all of your own, no other county can match                          has  returned.  Please  do  your  bit  by  topping  up  your
                                                                                            bird bath or if you haven’t got one put out a saucer of
                                                                                            water  for  birds  and  hedgehogs.  They’ll  appreciate  it
       The Swanage train bustling along,
       past Corfe Castle on the hill                                                        and  you  will  have  the  joy  of  seeing  more  wildlife  in
                                                                                            your garden.
       Countless pebbles on Chesil Beach,

       the view from Portland Bill
       Water sparkling with silver light, the                                               May’s Wood
       harbour that Poole can boast                                                         Last month we described some of the wildlife that can be seen in May’s Wood
       Lovely walks along the paths of                                                      and  the  associated  wild flower  areas  and  we  make no  apology  for  describing
       your beautiful heritage coast                                                        more  about  what  wildlife  is  there.  In  the  words  of  two  well-known  Dorset
                                                                                            ecologists,  this  is  now  an  exceptional  area  for  wildlife.  Much  has  been  said
                                                                                            recently  about  the  importance  of  bringing  back  nature  to  create  a  ‘Living
       The countryside reflects in Dorset                                                   Landscape’ and we now have a wonderful example of this for the benefit not
       folk, kindly and full of mirth
       Friendly, smiling and contented. I’m                                                 only for wildlife but also the wellbeing of people. The meadows and woodland
                                                                                            are buzzing with a wide range of insects and as you walk along  the edge the
       glad Dorset gave me my birth
                                                                                            meadow masses of grasshopper jump before you. At the time of writing over 10
       Ferries leave, taking people away from Weymouth and Poole Quay                       butterflies  could  be  seen  within  about  2  metres  including  –  Marbled  White,
       It’s lovely to watch them from Evening Hill, sailing to sea                          Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Large and Small Skippers, Peacock, Red  Admiral
                                                                                            and Brimstone, a sight that has been missing in much of the countryside for many

       Time stands still in Dorset’s quiet lanes
                                                                                                                                             The  wild  flower  areas
       And at Arne where the heath meets the sea                                                                                             have   been   carefully
       Here all nature seems to be at peace
                                                                                                                                             m a n a g e d    w i t h
       Where country and people live in harmony.                                                                                             preliminary  ploughing  to
                                                                                                                                             create the great show of
                                                                Eileen Richardson
                                                                                                                                             annuals  flowers  with  a
       The sun be up                                                                                                                         sown    mix   including
                                                                                                                                             c o r n f l o w e r ,    c o r n
       The sun be up and so be oi                                                                                                            marigold, and  the white
       I see en shining in the sky                                                                                                           corn  chamomile  (which
                                                                                                                                             replaces the oxeye daisy
       But if I get up and there be rain                                                                                                     which  flowers  earlier  in
                                                                                                                                             the  season).  As  well  as
       I soon get back in bed again!
                                                                                            the  sown  plants  other  native  plants  have  found  a  home  here  rather  than  on
                                                                Eileen Richardson           intensively cultivated land.
                                                                                             The  perennial  natives  notably  knapweeds,  wild  carrot  and  yellow  patches  of
                                                                                            lady’s  bedstraw  were  sown  several  years  ago  and  have  become  well

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