Page 68 - br-aug-2020
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August 2020                                                                          August 2020

                                                                                           Letter to the Prime Minister
                                                                                           Last  month  I  included  a  letter  from  the  leader  of  Dorset  Council  to  the  Prime
       There are things we can all do to help ourselves, whatever the current state of our   Minister which asked for help in managing our visitor numbers and assistance in
       health. There has been much research in the last few decades to help us know        other areas because of how stretched we were as an authority whilst assisting the
       what can boost our immune system – so that even if we get viruses and illnesses,    government   response   to   the   pandemic.   Whilst   we   have   had   an
       we are in a better position to fight them off.                                      acknowledgement, we have not had any substantive response as yet.

       One thing is to drink a lot of water and eat simple foods, with lots of vegetables in
       our diet, and not too much sugar. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t enjoy our
       food – in fact, enjoying our food helps us get much more benefit from it ... so ‘a   Update for shielded residents
       little of what you fancy’, whether it’s chocolate, sugar or alcohol, is fine for the vast   As of 6th July, guidance for shielded residents has changed and whilst this may
       majority of people. But if you are regularly drinking so much that your body has to   be good news it may be a cause of concern to others. Help remains available on
       cope with hangovers, or eating more than your body needs, then it is not able to    the  Dorset  for  You  website.  Alternatively  a  help  line  is  open  from  Monday  to
       do its job properly of letting you do what you want to do in your life.             Saturday 9am to 6 pm 01305 221000
                                     Another  thing  is  exercise  –  and  walking  is  just
                                     about the best exercise for human beings. Most        Leisure Centres
                                     of  us  could  walk  more  than  we  do.  We  are
                                     fortunate  to  live  in  the  countryside,  where  it   The  centres  managed  by  Dorset  Council  welcomed  back  customers  from
                                     should  be  possible  for  us  all  to  walk  without   Saturday  25  July.  The  news  comes  after  the  facilities  closed  in  March  due  to
                                     being  too  close  to  people,  if  that  becomes     COVID-19.  Guidance  published  by  the  Government  outlined  measures  that
                                     necessary.  There  is  a  lot  of  research  to  show   allowed indoor swimming pools and sports facilities to reopen.
                                     that  being  in  the  fresh  air,  especially  around
                                     trees,  or  the  sea,  or  water  such  as  lakes  and   Social  distancing  measures
                                     streams, really helps boost the immune system.        will  be  in  place  in  all  the
                                                                                           centres, together with rigorous
                                     Yoga  helps  make  people  healthier,  and  the       cleaning   regimes.   Touch-
       two  most  important  things  probably,  in  this  respect,  are  the  focus  on  breathing,   points,  such  as  door  handles
       and teaching people how to relax. If you can slow down your breathing a little,     and    railings,   and   all
       breathing fuller and deeper, but (and this is crucial) without any strain, then your   equipment  will  be  cleaned
       body  benefits  and  your  mind  does  too  –  you  feel  calmer  and  clearer.  You  can   regularly  and  hand  sanitising
       combine this with some slow simple stretches, to give the lungs and organs more     stations positioned around the
       space – particularly important if you spend a lot of time sitting down.             buildings.  Centre  employees
                                                                                           have   received   COVID-19
       Relaxing consciously is so helpful because it is when we relax that the body can    training   to   help   them
       repair itself: when we are fearful, the body-mind goes into the stress response – the   understand  and  implement
       opposite of the relaxation response which helps the immune system. Instead, the     plans   for   the   safety   of
       body and mind think they need to get ready to fight or to run away – so the body    customers.
       diverts resources from the organs which help the immune system, to the arms and
       legs – great if you are being chased by a sabre-toothed tiger, not so helpful for   Full  details  of  activities  available,  opening  times  and  booking  and  payment
       combating many modern stressors.                                                    arrangements can be found on each centre’s webpage, Visit the Dorset Council
                                                                                           website to find the nearest centre and its opening hours.
       So one of the most important things is to not give into fear and panic. When you
       find yourself feeling anxious or fearful, try thinking instead of something that makes
       you  feel  happy  and  strong  and  safe:  do  this  often  and  it  gradually  will  change   Dorset Libraries
       your thinking – and your health.
                                                                                           Dorset libraries will be offering an order and collect service from July.  Following
                                             Sarah Ryan,

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