Page 70 - br-aug-2020
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August 2020                                                                          August 2020
       Concern  had  been  expressed  that  posts  around  the  poplar  plantation  to  the      to  support  this  work  and  provide  public  assurance  over  the  status  of  the
       north-east of Briantspuddle may pose a road safety issue for walkers should a wire        pandemic in Dorset and BCP Councils.
       fence be erected.  It has been confirmed by the landowner that the posts have
       been placed purely to mark the boundary, there being no intention to erect a        Current position
                                                                                           1     The Director of Public Health receives information to support surveillance of
       In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 section 137 and section 133,             COVID-19 from two main sources:
       the Parish Council sets aside a sum of money in its budget each year which can
       be  applied  for  by  local  organisations  for  projects  which  will  be  of  benefit  to      Public Health England South West Regional Health Protection Team
       residents within the Parish.  The budget set aside from the precept for 2020/ 21 is
       £400. The deadline for applying for these grants has been extended to the end of            daily  reports  of  positive  COVID-19  cases  received  via  communicable
       September. There is further information and an application form available on the             disease  notifications.  This  tells  us  full  postcode,  age,  gender  and  test
       Briantspuddle Community Website under Council Procedures, Policies, Plans and                route
       Registers.    Any  applications  need  to  be  made  by  30   September  and  will  be      a daily Alert Table showing the past 5 days’ positive cases from pillar 1
       considered  at  the  October  Parish  Council  Meeting.    Any  awards  will  be  paid       and 2 tests. This information is non-identifiable but useful for comparison
       following the November Parish Council Meeting.                                               with other areas in the South West.
       The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7pm on Wednesday the               Public Health England National Field Epidemiology Service
       12th August. Please check the Parish Council section of the Community Website
       nearer the time for the agenda and information about how to join the meeting if             weekly  reports  on  total  number  of  positive  cases  at  Upper  Tier  Local
       it is  once  again  to  be  held  remotely.  Residents  wishing  to  raise issues  may  also   Authority  level  from  pillar  1  and  pillar  2  tests.  This  checks  whether  the
       contact the Parish Clerk in advance of the meeting if they prefer.                           pattern exceeds the pattern from the past 10 days

                                                            Sue Jones, Chairman                    a daily and weekly contact tracing report based on NHS Test and Trace
                                                                                                    information  showing  numbers  of  positive  cases  and  contacts  being
                                                                                                    managed,  and  overall  cumulative  totals  by  Upper  Tier  Local  Authority
        Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish Council – Contact Details
                                                                                           2     All of these reports are protectively marked Official Sensitive and cannot be
                                                                                                 shared with third parties. They are provided by PHE for use by the Director of
        Parish Councillor/   Email Address                         Telephone                     Public Health to assess the risk from COVID-19, and for assurance purposes.
        Clerk                                                      number
                                                                                           3     None of the datasets contain patient identifiable, confidential information.
        Anna Bendall – Parish                        However,  the  datasets  do  contain  data  fields  such  as  full  postcode,  age
        Clerk                m
                                                                                                 and  gender.  In  theory,  this  could  lead  to  the  identification  of  individuals,
        Sue Jones - Chairman         01929 471375                  particularly if cases are disclosed in small geographical areas.
        Charles Barter – Vice   01929 463663     4      It is important to understand the limitations of these datasets. For example,
        Chairman                                                                                 under  this  situation,  the  Director  of  Public  Health  cannot  know  who  the
                                                                                                 cases  are  who  have  tested  positive  for  COVID-19,  nor  would  we  know
        Lizzie Guinn               01305 848916
                                                                                                 anything  about  the  contacts  of  cases.  However,  should  there  be  any
        Graham Lightfoot        01929 471498                  COVID-19 outbreak in an important setting like a care home or school, the
                                                                                                 Director  of  Public  Health  would  be  notified  immediately  so  that  we  can
        Sarah Lowman               01929 472702
                                                                                                 support  with  the  management  of  the  outbreak.  Further  details  would  be
                                                                                                 shared during the management of the outbreak on a need to know basis,
        Stuart Chorley                  01929 472869
                                                                                                 but  the  data  is  held  by  Public  Health  England  on  their  health  protection
        Trevor Poole            01929 471496                  system  (HP  Zone)  and  not  by  the  upper  Tier  Councils.  This  is  to  protect
                                                                                                 patient confidentiality and comply with data protection law.

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