Page 62 - br-aug-2020
P. 62

DRAX HALL                      August 2020                                                                          August 2020
                                                                                           Certificates of Appreciation
       Redecoration of the Hall deep clean  and
                                                                                           During the recent pandemic, we have been heartened by the number of people
       Covid  secure preparations.
                                                                                           within  the  parish  who  have  gone  above  and  beyond  to  help  others  with  a
       During  the  lockdown  we  have  had  the  whole  building                          multitude of tasks and favours, with no expectation in return. In due course, after
       redecorated and deep cleaned.                              DRAX                     lockdown has ended, we would like to present these people with a Certificate of
                                                                                           Appreciation to show our thanks for all that they have done for our community
       Shortly  the  hall  will  be  available  for  some  hiring  in  the   HALL          during  this  time.  If  there  is  anybody,  or  any  organisation,  you  would  like  to
       upper room only as the Lower room is still a food bank.                             nominate  to  be  recognised  in  this  way,  please  send  details  to  the  Clerk,  on
       Due  to  the  pandemic  there  are  stringent  rules  and
       regulations that have to be adhered to if you want to re start a group or do a one
       off hiring. If you wish to know the details please telephone Lyn Simmonds 01929     Play Park Opening
       471528 for the contract for hiring.
                                                                                           Hopefully by the time you  read this,
       The Village Hall AGM will be rearranged for a later date see magazine for details
                                                                                           the  play  park  will  have  re-opened.

                                                                                           At time of writing we are still waiting
       Defibrillators in Bere Regis   -  All of these are Public Access                    for the fitting of some new brackets
                                                                                           to  stop  the  current  posts  from
       Drax Arms West Street  - Visible from street on front wall                          deteriorating, and the arrival of new
                                                                                           eco-friendly rubber bark.
       The Village Hall North Street  -  Visible from Street on front wall
                                                                                           We  are  taking  this  opportunity  to
       The Sports Club end of North Street   - On  Wall of the larger white building near   ensure  that  we’ve  made  every
       entrance (not the old barn building)                                                precaution we can to keep the park
                                                                                           “Covid  Safe”  so  that  it  can  be
       There is a defibrillator at the Doctors Surgery Manor Farm Road for use by them it   enjoyed  by  all  upon  it’s  reopening.  We  will  be  installing  guidance  notices  and
       would only be available when the surgery was open. Monday  -Friday 8.30- 6.30
       Weds 8.30 -4pm                                                                      signs around the park asking for people  to use common sense  when using the
                                                                                           facilities and ensuring we do everything we can to maintain a safe space. We
       There is also a defibrillator at the school that would only be available when the   hope to re-open the park by the end of July and thank you for your patience.
       school is open.

                                                                                                               Wildflower Verges
                                                                                                               Bere  Regis  Parish  Council  is  hoping  to  create  new
       USE THE FOOD BANK                                                                                       wildflower verges around the parish to provide flower-rich
                                                                                                               habitat alongside our roads.  This habitat will provide food
                                                                                                               for pollinating insects such as bees and butterflies, habitat
       Thank  you  to  everyone  who  is  kindly                                                               for many invertebrates and small mammals, and help the
       donating  food  to  the  Food  Bank  there  are                                                         survival of rare and common wildflower species.
       still  boxes in the Spar Shop  Bere Regis and                                                           Lowland grassy verges are widespread throughout the UK,
       at  the Church and a box at the Village Hall                                                            and  can  include  cowslips,  oxeye  daisy,  scabious,  clover,
       North Street Bere Regis.
                                                                                                               vetches,  knapweed  and  meadow  cranesbill.    Sometimes
       The  Pop  In  Place  continue  to  run  a  food                                                         with  the  right  management  verges  can  also  support
       bank and have just had a grant of £2,000 to                                                             orchids.
       help us to continue into the  Autumn. If you
                                                                                                               The wildflower verges around the parish will not be planted

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