Page 61 - br-aug-2020
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August 2020                          August 2020

 with annual flowers as this requires time to prepare the ground for sowing and can
 be  expensive.    A  new  cutting  and  collecting  regime  will  be  used  instead,  with   YOGA
 fewer cuts each year at different times of year.  A cut later in summer rather than
 spring can provide time for summer flowering plants to set seed.  Some plants such
 as yellow rattle, which helps to keep tougher grasses down, could be introduced.    Most  people  think  that
 It  is  important  that  any  cut  material  is  removed  as  wildflowers  and  the  more   yoga  is  about contorting
 delicate grasses thrive in nutrient poor soils.    yourself into weird shapes
       and  learning  to  relax.
 The  Bere  Regis  Wildlife  and  Environment  Group  will  carry  out  a  short  survey  this   You  definitely  do  learn
 summer  to  determine  the  best  areas  in  which  to  create  wildflower  verges.    how  to  relax  (and  most
 We will be working with Highways in order to comply with any highway regulations.   people  in  our  culture
 Road safety is a priority and sightlines will be maintained.    really  need  that),  but  it
       really  isn’t  about  weird

 Open Spaces   shapes – if it were, the best yogis would be circus performers.
 We  would  like  to  express   Yoga evolved as a theory and practice, as an answer to the perennial questions,
 our  appreciation  to  Brian     ‘Why do we suffer?’ and ‘What can we do about it?’
 May  and  Tilhill  Forestry    for
 the  May’s  Wood  area.   It  recognises  that  we  have  many  different  aspects  –  body,  breath,  mind,
 Now,  7  years  on  from  the   emotions,  habits,  attitudes,  principles,  beliefs  –  and  that  they  are  all
       interconnected, affecting each other.  It offers many different ways in which we
 original  tree  planting,  a   can make life better for ourselves.... that is one of its keys: you do it for yourself,
 great  diversity  of  wildlife   you don’t have to rely on anyone else... in fact, you HAVE to do it for yourself. As
 has  evolved  and  we  are   such, it is very self-empowering.
 told  by  naturalists  that  this
 is  now  an  exceptional   One of the things I love most about it is that it’s practical. It says, if you practise
 area.    Although  primarily   this, you will gradually change those habits that aren’t helping you and replace
 woodland,  there  are  wide   them  with  better  ones,  whether  the  habits  are  physical  (stooping  instead  of
 open  rides  for  visitors  to   standing upright, for instance),  mental  (replacing seeing everything in the worst
 enjoy as they walk through   light, with a more sanguine outlook) or emotional (feeling very anxious, or having
 the  woodland.  The  trees   very low self-esteem).
 are  growing  rapidly  and
 scrub  is  developing  which   Why should we change our outlook? To decrease  suffering... if you always look
 supports interesting wildlife. It is fascinating to see how the wood changes over the   only at the dark cloud and never at the silver lining, your life will be very joyless.
 seasons.  The  sowing  of  both  annual  and  perennial  wildflowers  has  created   Yoga does not recommend rose-tinted spectacles, but I does say that we should
 spectacular  shows  of  colour.    We  all  enjoy  walking  along  the  rides  through  the   try and see things as clearly and honestly as possible.
 wood  and  can  we remind  all  dog  walkers  to  pick  up  and  dispose  of  droppings   When people come to see me as a yoga teacher or therapist, we discuss their life
       and what they feel they want to change. We evolve a practice – which could be
 Bryan Benjafield   anything from 5 minutes to 25 minutes, to start with. I write it down and they go
       away  and  do  it,  ideally  every  day.  This  way,  various  things  including  their
       breathing gradually improve, so that all bodily systems start working better, and
       they  begin  to  feel  better.  Then  they  come  back  after  a  little  while  and,
       depending on how things are going, the practice evolves some more.

       If you want to find out more, go to my website,
                                                                     Sarah Ryan

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