Page 57 - br-aug-2020
P. 57

August 2020                          August 2020

       1. Mature hedgerow trees
       Benefit - Bird & bat roosting sites; insect habitats;
       fungi & lichen. 60% of species in a hedgerow will
       utilise the tree. A range of tree ages and species
       is even better.

       Management  -  Plant  trees  into  hedge  gaps  or
       allow  shrubs  to  grow  into  trees;  deadwood
       should  be  retained  if  possible;  consider
       replacing  trees  lost  in  storms.  Considerate
       pollarding  of  older  trees  can  extend  the  tree’s
       life  and  create  wildlife  friendly  features  –  seek
       expert guidance.
       2.  Dense  shrub  layer  with  plenty  of  fruit  and

                                                      Benefit  -  Early  flowering
                                                      shrubs   (e.g.   blackthorn)
                                                      provide a great early nectar
                                                      source  for  bees,  butterflies
                                                      and  other  insects;  hedges
                                                      with  shrubs  flowering  at
                                                      different  times  of  the  year
                                                      maximise   benefits;   many
                                                      animals shelter and breed in
                                                      Management  -  Ideally,  cut
                                                      hedges in winter on a 3 year
                                                      rotation with each cut being
                                                      10cm   higher   than   the
                                                      previous   cut   to   allow
                                                      incremental  growth  (cutting
                                                      every  3  years  produces  2.5
                                                    times  more  hawthorn  and
       blackthorn  flowers  than  annual  cutting);  rejuvenate  gappy,  over-trimmed,  or
       overly-mature hedges by coppicing, laying, and gapping up

       3. Tussocky bases and herb-rich margins
       Benefit  -  Breeding  and  nesting  sites  for  many  animals  (bees,  grass  snakes,
       hedgehogs, etc); foraging ground for species sheltering in the hedge
       Management - Create a range of habitats including messy tall grass and detritus,

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