Page 58 - br-aug-2020
P. 58

August 2020                                                                          August 2020

       some bare ground (for ground-nesting bee holes), with a gradual transition as you   Contact Us
       move into the field; consider maintaining uncut/uncultivated/unfertilised margins;
       control  undesirable  plants  (e.g.  nettles,  bracken,  cleavers)  especially  after   If  you  would  like  to  know more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  and  Environment
       coppicing/laying                                                                    Group or to be included on our e-mailing list, please contact:
       4. Unshaded ditches with gently sloping banks                                       Tony Bates at /  01929 471563

       Benefit - Feeding and breeding sites for mammals and birds; presence of ditches     Amy Yates at or
       increases number of hedge birds; water in ditches increases invertebrates
                                                                                           Mike Gee at mike.n.g@outlook./com / 0775 988 4942
       Management - Clear overshadowing branches and vegetation; clean ditches on
       rotation every 5 years (not all in the same year) retaining some plants and debris;
       avoid chemicals and fertilisers near ditches
       For more information and resources on hedgerows, go to
                                         Ellie MacConnachie and Hilary Habberfield


       I have been looking through the archives of the Bere Regis Parish Magazine from
       many years ago, and what fascinating reading it makes.
       The village has always been very active with Church events, Bell Ringers, Mothers
       Union,  Young  Wives,  RNLI,  Guides,  Scouts,  Floral  Group,  Women’s’  Institute,
       amongst many other groups and gatherings.
       In  June  1977  along  with  the  rest
       of  the  country,  the  village
       celebrated  the  Silver  Jubilee  of
       Her  Majesty  Queen  Elizabeth’s
       reign.  A Committee was formed
       and there was a whole week of
       events  including,  on  Monday,  a
       Bonfire  on  top  of  Woodbury  Hill,
       on  Tuesday,  a  Sports  and  Gala
       Day  with  11  sideshows  and
       Maypole Dancing, where all the
       children  were  presented  with  25
       pence  commemorative  pieces.
       There was a Grand Dance at the
       Drax  Hall  and  a  competition  for
       the Best Dressed Building.  On Wednesday there was a Tea and Old Tyme Music
       Hall for the over 60’s, and a Fund Raising Grand Draw.  The Carnival Queen was
       chosen at a Disco at the Youth Club, and everyone had a wonderful time!

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