Page 54 - br-aug-2020
P. 54

August 2020                                                                          August 2020

                                                                                           BERE REGIS WI

                                                                                            Despite having to cancel the National Federation
         Over the Hill                                                                      of WI’s Annual Meeting where resolution selection
        I use this heading in a completely different context to last months heading and I   normally  takes  place,  the  mandate  for  the  2020
        apologise for the quality of my last month’s article. This article relates to my life   resolutions was overwhelmingly clear from voting
        some  seventy  years  ago  and  again  talks  of  the  countryside.  How  many  times   at  the  short  listing  stage.    With  over  70%  of  the
        have  you  heard  the  phrase,“  Where  have  all  the  years  gone?”  Or  the  saying,   votes  between  them,  resolutions  on  stem  cells  and  modern  slavery  have  been
        “Haven’t  things changed?” This article refers to the past and it is up to you to   adopted for this year’s campaigns.
        decide if all the changes are for the good or not,
                                                                                            The specific resolutions are:
        My memories of my boyhood are recalled with great joy, especially the summer                                                       A   call   to   increase
        holidays  back  in  the  forties,  when  I  spent  my  earlier  years  in  the  pretty  little
                                                                                                                                      potential   stem   cell   donor
        Hampshire  village of Buriton, which nestles under the northern side of the South                                             registration
        Downs. near Butser Hill, the highest point of the downs. This was until the age of
        nine  when  I  moved  to  Blackmoor,  some  nine  miles  to  the  north,west.  What  a                                        There  is  an  urgent  need  to
        difference  moving  from  the  light,  hilly  well  drained  soils,  overlying  chalk  to  the                                increase  the  number  of  people
        heavy, damp, level clay soils of Lord Selbourne’s  huge estate. What a difference                                             registered  on  the  aligned  UK
        there  was  to  the  woodlands,  going  from  the  predominant,  beech  woods  with                                           stem  cell  registry  in  order  to
        hazel  underwood  to  predominantly  oak  woodland  again  with  hazel  coppice                                               provide  potentially  life-saving
        underneath. New species of trees, flowers, birds and butterflies became familiar                                              treatment  to  people  of  all  ages
        to me.                                                                                                                        with  certain  blood  cancers.  We
                                                                                                                                      call  on  all  WI  members  to
        Despite this I was only ten years old, in both places the majority of my time was
        spent outdoors, in the company of other village boys. The “gangs” would consist                                               promote  registration  to  the
        of  up  to  perhaps  ten  youngsters  of  various  ages,  ranging  from  age  eight  to                                       database to avoid people dying
                                                                                                                                      whilst waiting for a match.
        fourteen.  Anybody older than that would spend their summer holidays working
        on the farms locally.
                                                                                                End Modern Slavery
        These  boys  knew  their  countryside,  they  loved  it  and  were  rarely  in  trouble  or
        created  any  damage.  The  older  members  of  the  gang  taught  the  juniors  the   There are tens of thousands of victims
        names  of  plants,  flowers,  birds.  butterflies  and  insects.  If  something  rare  and   of  modern  slavery  hiding  in  plain
        unknown turned up they would be referred to our parents, relatives or as a last     sight  in  the  UK.  Modern  slavery  has
        resort our teachers.                                                                severe  consequences  for  the  health
                                                                                            and  mental  wellbeing  of  survivors.
        We built camps, lit fires to fry pancakes
        in  an  old  disused  frying  pan,  willingly                                       The NFWI calls on the Government to
        donated  by  one  of  the  mothers.  We                                             protect  victims  of  modern  slavery  in
        baked  potatoes,  chestnuts  and                                                    the  first  instance  and  deliver  longer
        apples,  ate  crab  apples,  wild                                                   term  support  to  help  them  rebuild
        strawberries,  blackberries,  acorns,                                               their lives. We call on our members to
        pignuts and the occasional russet from                                              raise awareness of the prevalence of
        the rectory’s orchard. We knew where                                                modern slavery throughout society and to campaign to defeat it.
        we could obtain drinking water so we                                                The  next  step  will  be  for  the  Public  Affairs  Department  to  develop  a  range  of
        would stay away all day.                                                            educational and discussion materials over the coming weeks and months to allow

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