Page 14 - br-aug-2020
P. 14

August 2020                                                                          August 2020


       Below  is  a  statement  recently  issued  by
       Sam Crowe, Director of Public Health for

       Briefing note on current
       situation of COVID-19 cases
       1.    Since  the  start  of  the  COVID-19
             pandemic  in  January  2020,  there
             has  been  a  rapidly  changing
             picture in terms of the information that public health teams and the public
             receive  about  cases  and  the  impact  of  COVID-19.  There  have  been
             problems, not least the different way that positive test results are counted
             and the fact they have been coming in two separate streams.
               Pillar 1 which our hospitals have been leading, which tests patients and
                NHS staff
               Pillar  2  (from  late  May)  where  anyone  in  the  community  who  has
                symptoms  can  be  tested  at  a  drive  through  site  (like  Creekmoor  in
                Poole), mobile testing unit or postal testing kits.
       2.    Analysing data that comes from different sources is complicated and it has
             been  taking  a  long  time  to  get  all  the  data  streams  together  and
             validated, as they have been held by two separate systems.
       3.    This has at times led to confusion. For example, in early July the additional
             Pillar 2 positive tests were added to the national COVID-19 dashboard at
             Upper  Tier  Local  Authority  Level,  leading  to  an  apparent  ‘jump’  in  case
             numbers for local areas. At the same time 30,000 positive test results were
             removed from the national dashboard because they were repeat tests on
             the same individual.
       4.    Under  the  Dorset  Local  Resilience  Forum’s  Strategic  Command  Group,
             data briefings have been produced regularly via the EpiCell showing the
             information public health teams can access to help with our local response
             to the COVID-19 pandemic and recognising the above challenges.
       5.    On  30  June  local  authority  areas  published  their  local  outbreak
             management plans which sets out how we will respond to any outbreak in
             a high-risk setting, and actions we would take should cases start to rise.
       6.    This  short  briefing  sets  out  the  current  datasets  that  are  not  in  the  public
             domain that Directors of Public Health and their teams are able to access

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