Page 9 - br-aug-2020
P. 9

August 2020                          August 2020

 This is a local charity which may be able to help YOU!
 Frampton’s Charity provides funding for young people with education or training
 needs  resident  in  the  parishes  of  Moreton,  Affpuddle,  Briantspuddle  and
 Turnerspuddle. Funding can help with training equipment, books, travel expenses
 or general maintenance. Awards of up to £500 are usually made.
 In recent years awards have been made for those leaving agricultural college in
 need  of  funds  to  purchase  equipment,  travel  costs  for  in-work  training  in  other
 parts of Dorset and help with travel costs to university.
 It  is  the  applicant’s  circumstances  that  are  relevant  and  considered  by  the
 The  charity  is  very  aware  that  young  people  leaving  school  and  college  are
 facing difficult decisions about moving to higher education, apprenticeship and
 trial  work  periods  and  the  risk  of  setting  up  a  small  business.  It  is  open  to
 applications which should be received by 31st August.
 C h a i r    o f
    t r u s t e e s
 R i c h a r d
 F r a m p t o n -
 Hobbs says   “In
 early   March
 we   planned
 activities   this
 the  summer  to
 raise our profile
 locally   –   in
 particular   an
 event at Moreton Village Hall in July with food, drink and a country dance band.
 Unfortunately  we have  had  to  postpone  that  but  we  expect  more  applications
 this year than in the past for help. Coronavirus has impacted for the worse on the
 lives of many young people.”
 The  current  trustees  are  Richard  Frampton-Hobbs,  Catherine  Chandler,  Tabitha
 Schofield and Richard Killer.

 Check out the facebook page for the William Frampton Educational Foundation
 or email to apply.

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