Page 19 - br-aug-2020
P. 19

August 2020                          August 2020

 The  other  day  she  discovered  the  Canadian  Drag Race  on  BBC  Three  (iplayer).    So, if you would like to make a nomination for either award, please let me know.  I
 What a waste of time.  She certainly has a new vision of Canadian manhood.  I   anticipate not a great deal will happen just yet, but once we are able to meet in
 was whining at her and she just ignored me.     groups,  albeit  suitably  space  out,  then  I  can  get  out  and  about,  meet  people
       listen to their stories and make presentations.
 I have been taken to the Royal Oak.  I was bored.  She was playing cards and no
 one gave me a biscuit. I was taken to the Drax Arms one evening no one gave me   George  Streatfield,  High  Sherriff  of  Dorset  2020-2021  Tel  01308  422770  /  07970
 a biscuit.  I tried my best looking dead cute at Sarah, it didn’t work.  I haven’t lost   770750
 my touch they had no dog biscuits.   WHAT NO DOG BISCUITS !

  I can nearly always anticipate when we are going out for the day I get brushed.
 One day I was brushed and trimmed.  She was putting on lipstick and mascara as   Banning disposable BBQs
 well.    It  must  be  somewhere  really  good.    No,  it  was  the  vets.    The  charming
 Spanish vet in Blandford.  We had to wait outside in the car park with a bleeper.   Dorset  Council  is  seeking  agreement  to
 Then, come forward to the meet and greet area when it bleeped.  I had to trot up   bring   in   measures   prohibiting   or
 and  down  while  I  was  videoed  on  the  phone  before  being  taken  away  inside   controlling   the   use   of   disposable
 alone to be examined.  I really am in trouble, I have arthritis in both hips and on my   barbecues   and   other   fire-related
 near fore paw below the knee.  My owner has been really worried.  I have to take   activities in the area.
 more  drugs.    I  get  really  suspicious  when  I  am  offered  a  piece  of  cheese.      It   In  recent  years,  there  have  been  a
 contains a tablet.  She thinks I don’t notice but I do.  The good news I am better   number  of  incidents  of  fire  damage
 but really hobble on hard ground.   across  Dorset  as  a  result  of  disposable
       barbecues,  bonfires  close  to  heathland
 One  afternoon  my  owner  took  me  up  to
       and dry wooded areas, the release of sky
 May’s  Wood  for  a  walk  with  some  friends.
 The wide grass paths are really good for me   lanterns  and  other  social  activities.  The
 no hard ground and plenty of space to pass   most  serious  of  these  incidents  was  the
 making  social  distancing  easy.      The  wild   recent  fire  at  Wareham  Forest  which
 flowers  at  the  moment  are  stunning.    There   affected 180 hectares of heathland and was declared a major incident by the
       Fire and Rescue Service.
 are so many, knapweed, cornflowers daisies
 lots  of  different  ones  and  loads  of  flying   Dorset  Council’s  Cabinet  has  requested  that  council  officers  work  closely  with
 insects.    We  saw  several  Marbled  White   Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, and other key stakeholders, to look
 Butterflies and Meadow Browns.   On the way   at a range of enforcement options, and other alternatives to control or prohibit
 back  we  can  visit  the  Purbeck  Ice  Cream   barbecues and other fire-related activities. It is incredibly difficult to enact local
 van at the Scout hut.  I LIKE ICE CREAM.  My   legislation on this so we are also working with our MPs to try to persuade them of
 owner  bought  cherries  there  one  day  to   the need for national action on this very serious problem.
 make  jam  but  it  didn’t  set  properly  but  has

 made a rather yummy cherry sauce instead.
       New Coastal Partnership
 My owner walks me everyday in the field up
 North  Street  and  at  the  moment  it  is  full  of   A  new  coastal  partnership  has  been  established  between  BCP  Council  and
 flowering  ragwort.    It  looks  really  beautiful   Dorset  Council.  The  Dorset  Coastal  Engineering  Partnership  will  provide  an
 and  is  great  for  the  Caterpillars  of  the  rare   effective and co-ordinated approach in the delivery of schemes to help protect
 Cinnabar  Month.    It  may  be  a  pretty  flower  but  in  fact  it  is  a  notifiable  weed   residents and communities from coastal flooding and erosion.
 because in its wilted state it is poisonous for cattle and horses.  I think the farmer at
 Townsend  Farm  is  going  to  be  delighted  when  the  seeds  are  blown  up  on   As well as designing and delivering large government funded projects, the main
 Woodbury Hill on the prevailing wind in a few weeks time.     functions of the new partnership will be to set long term strategies for managing
       the  shoreline,  maintain  coastal  assets  and  influence  the  industry  through  sound
 We are still having hair problems.  She was braver and took the scissors to the back   research  and  innovative  techniques.  The  Partnership  will  work  closely  with  the
 of it.  At the next zoom session she was explaining this to her friends.  They made

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