Page 18 - br-aug-2020
P. 18

August 2020                                                                          August 2020
       the   Government’s   recent   announcement,   our   libraries   started   a
       phased reopening from 8 July. The initial reopening plans focused on the safety of   her turn round and I could hear gales of laughter
       customers and library employees and will provide existing users with an order and    when  they  saw  the  back  of  it.  It’s  not  that  bad
       collect service. People will be able to order their preferred categories of books    but  the  problem  will  be  resolved  as  she  has  an
       and other items to collect at an allocated time from 22 of Dorset’s 23 libraries.    appointment  with  Hair  Visions  next  Saturday
                                                                                            morning.    The  hair  bands  may  convert  into  a
       Books will also be available to order online on our website  from 8 July by simply   useful face covering for going shopping.
       completing  a  short  form  about  reading  preferences.  For  those  without  online
                                                                                            Last  weekend  I  was  taken  on  a  family  visit  to
       access, an order can be made by phoning 01305 228400.
                                                                                            Ashcott  in  Somerset.    I  had  a  great  day  in  the

                                                                                            garden  enjoying  the  views  over  the  Somerset
       High Sherriff Awards 2020                                                            Levels but no one played ball with me as I have
                                                                                            bad legs and had to rest.
       I know that both Dorset Council and many Town
       and  Parish  Councils  are  considering  an  award                                   In our garden we are now picking runner beans.
       scheme  for  those  residents  who  have  gone                                       The  tomatoes  are  nearly  ripe  but  it  has  been
       above  and  beyond  the  call  of  duty  during  the                                 windy and cooler than average.  So much for the
       Covid 19 pandemic, but I include this request for                                    dog days of summer.  No I am not mad it is not
       completeness.                                                                        hot enough.  The Post Office is now back inside
                                                                                            the  pub  so  there  is  no  queuing  up  the  street.

                                                                                            Things are getting back to normal the Pop In opens in September but we still have
       A message below from the High Sherriff
                                                                                            a long way to go.
       It is customary for the High Sheriff of any county
       to  make  awards  during  his/her  year.    These  are
       normally  made  to  individuals  and  organisations
       that the High Sheriff has come into contact with
       or  worked  with  during  the  Shrieval  Year.    These
       awards are an opportunity to not only recognise the exceptional work underway
       in the emergency services and criminal justice system, but also to celebrate the
       fantastic individuals and voluntary organisations who do so much to improve the
       social,  cultural  and  economic  fabric  of  Dorset  life.    There  will  undoubtedly  be
       many to be recognised in this unprecedented year.
       However,  this  year,  the  Coronavirus  pandemic  has  brought  together  whole
       communities to work together for the safety, health and welfare of their areas.  In
       Dorset  over  175  of  these  groups  came  into  being;  some  pre-existed  but  many
       evolved  from  other  groups  or  were  formed  specifically  as  a  result  of  the
       emergency.   The one common thread is that a large number of that community
       had  voluntarily  rallied  around  to  support  others  be  it  for  shopping,  collecting
       medicines or just company and a friendly voice.
       In these circumstances, it would difficult to pick out any one individual.  I have
       therefore  decided  in  Dorset  to  create  the  High  Sheriff’s  Community  Award  to
       groups.   As lockdown eases and we are allowed to meet in groups once again
       (suitably  spaced  out)  I  very  much  look  forward  to  being  able  to  get  out  and
       about  in  the  county,  hearing  of  the  experiences  of  those  who  have  given  so
       much and presenting both the Community Award as well as the traditional High
       Sheriff Award.

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