Page 16 - br-aug-2020
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August 2020                                                                          August 2020

                                                                                            BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE
       Next steps
       1     There is work ongoing to develop dashboards showing Pillar 1 and Pillar 2
             test  results  for  local  areas,  including  using  post  coded  data  to  illustrate                      NEWS
             numbers  and  rates  of  positive  cases  at  UTLA  and  small  area  level.  This
             dashboard is in the process of being launched this week, via NHS Digital.
                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH
       2     Data sharing agreements have also been signed between the Director of         COUNCIL
             Public  Health  on  behalf  of  BCP  and  Dorset  Councils,  and  Public  Health
             England  in  the  past  week.  This  will  enable  the  team  to  receive  personal
             level,  confidential  patient  information  about  COVID-19  cases  to  support
             ongoing outbreak management and response.                                      The Parish Council meeting on 8th July was once again held remotely in order to
                                                                                            comply  with  Government  social  distancing  guidance.  Until  restrictions  around
       3     In  addition  the  Director  of  Public  Health  has  asked  the  regional  Public   movement and public gatherings are lifted, the Parish Council will be holding all
             Health  England  health  protection  team  to  undertake  a  validation        meetings remotely.
             exercise with NHS Test and Trace to obtain the outcome information for all
             of the positive COVID-19 cases in Dorset and BCP Councils over the past        The Parish  Council welcomes plans which will see The Briantspuddle Community
             two  weeks.  This  is  to  ensure  that  we  can  be  confident  in  the  level  of   Complex start to re-open as Government restrictions begin to ease.  This will be a
             contact  tracing  undertaken  by  NHS  Test  and  Trace,  and  that  any       welcome  return  to  a  more  normal  community  life.    Councillors  are  of  course
                                                                                            aware that the pandemic has restricted its tenant’s ability to operate normally.  In
             significant,  complex  cases  are  being  escalated  appropriately  to  the    response  to  this  situation  at  its  July  meeting  Councillor’s  agreed  to  offer  a  rent
             regional health protection team.
                                                                                            holiday to all of its tenants for the annual rental period 2020/21.
       4     It  is  important  to  be  clear  that  the  DPH  will  not  be  able  to  share  any
             personal  level  data  from  this  exercise,  but  will  aim  to  provide  a  short   An article in the June edition of
             summary  that  sets  out  the  completeness  of  follow  up  of  cases  and    this   magazine   sought   to
             contacts being managed by NHS Test and Trace.                                  highlight  the  need  for  residents
                                                                                            i n    t h e    P i d d l e    V a l l e y

                                                                                            Conservation  Area  to  obtain
       Summary                                                                              permission  before  carrying  out
                                                                                            work  to  trees  on  their  land.
       1     Directors  of  Public  Health  have  been  receiving  regular  data  from  PHE
             detailing  the  numbers  of  positive  cases  from  Pillar  1  and  Pillar  2  in  their   Reference  was  made  to  the
             populations for some time.                                                     incorrect   advice   given   by
                                                                                            Dorset  Council  to  one  resident,
       2     They have also received a number of surveillance reports so we can see         that permission to fell a tree was
             whether the local pattern of cases is in line with the recent trend, and for   not  needed.    This  mistake  is
             comparison with other areas in the South West. This means that although        being  investigated  by  the  Tree
             the  Director  of  Public  Health  may  know  how  many  cases  and  contacts   Officer.    In  the  article  it  was
             there  are  in  their  population,  they  could  not  legally  know  exactly  who   stated  that  a  tree  had  been
             these people are. If an outbreak occurred, we would work through Public        felled in  Affpuddle before consent had been obtained.   The Parish  Council has
             Health England to respond.                                                     been made aware that in fact the tree had been cut three quarters of the way
                                                                                            though the trunk, at which point the landowner was made aware of the need to
       3     The situation is ever evolving as new data becomes available.  Following       apply  for  consent  and  contacted  Dorset  Council.    Permission  was  subsequently
             the signing of data sharing agreements for both councils, the Director of      given under section 206 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to complete
             Public  Health  will  shortly  be  able  to  receive  additional  personal  level   the felling.  Councillors welcome the opportunity to provide this clarification.
             confidential information on COVID-19 cases to support ongoing outbreak
             management and response.

                                                                                           Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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