Page 10 - br-aug-2020
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August 2020                                                                          August 2020

                                                                                           small  number  of  people  to  be  able  to  sit  down  and  enjoy  a  cup  of  tea  etc
                                OBITUARIES                                                 together if the weather is slightly inclement but otherwise to make use of some of
                                                                                           the grassed area between the jubilee room and the shop. It won’t be anything on
                                                                                           the scale of the coffee shop that the community group have previously provided
                                                                                           on a Saturday but just somewhere to have a drink and a biscuit and a natter as
         Gordon Cheeseman                                                                  we try to gradually creep towards a more normal life. There will be a charge for
                                                                                           the refreshments but all money raised will go directly to village hall funds as we
         Steve  Cheesemans’s  tribute                                                      seek to cover some of our shortfall this year for running costs. We have been able
         to  his  father,  read  by  Revd                                                  to secure a grant from local government and the shop has given us a donation
         Williams at his funeral.                                                          towards the costs involved in being available to help the shop operate. We will be
                                                                                           running this on Tuesday mornings from 9.30-12 starting on 4  August .
         As  many  will  know,  my  Dad
         passed  away  recently,  it                                                       We have also set the 100 club in motion, as
         being so close to my Mother’s                                                     probably our main fundraiser this year, and
         passing  which  has  made  the                                                    so if you haven’t yet got your ticket please
         past few weeks very sad and                                                       contact me on 07818078191 or pop into the
         emotional.    As  with  Mum,  it                                                  hall  between  9&12  any  morning  and  I’ll
         has been very heart-warming to receive messages from so many people near          gladly sell you one. They’re £10 which gets
         and far of support and such affection for my Dad.                                 your  number into  the  monthly  draw  with  a
                                                                                           chance  of  winning  £30  each  month  along
         Dad  had  lived  in  Bere  all his  life  and  became  a  well-loved  member  of  the   with  even  more  prizes  being  given  at  our
         community especially with the Bere Regis Sports Club.
                                                                                           December  draw.  We  will  have  to  have  a
         In earlier years Dad met Mum in the late 1950’s and were married for almost       cut  off  at  some  point  in  early  August  so  that  we  can  make  the  August  draw
         60 years, he also worked for A.E. Griffin & Sons for all his working life barring a   effective.
         spell of National Service.  Dad was an accomplished plumber and was known         We are going to be having the main hall decorated in August meaning that when
         to  turn  his  hand  to  a  number  of  trades.    He  could  make  something  out  of   things do get started again we will have a beautifully decorated hall to make use
                                                                                           of and on that note yoga and Pilates are planning to start up again in September.
                                                                                           If you’ve been before or indeed would like to start to join in you would be very
         Having played football for Bere over a number of years and was a passionate
         West Ham United fan.  Dad became one of the founding fathers of Bere Regis        welcome.
         Sports  Club  alongside  his  brother  Cyril  who  was  ‘The  Chairman’  for  many
         years.  Dad played cricket when the Cricket Section reformed in 1982 and it       For yoga please contact Frances on 01929 472927 or 07974391349 she will gladly
                                                                                           tell you what’s involved and put your name down to join in and let you know start
         was my privilege to play alongside him in those early years.
                                                                                           dates etc.
         Dad  went  on  to  volunteer  countless  hours  for  the  club  down  the  years  as   For  Pilates  the  contact  is  Kathy  and  you  can  contact  her  through  her  website
         committee  member  and  just  generally  getting  things  done  at  the  club  so   which is
         others  could  enjoy  the  facilities  and  a  fantastic
         village club.                                                                     If you have any problem getting hold of these ladies please let me know and I will
                                                                                           endeavour to get your details to them.
         Dad  became  President  of  the  Sports  Club  in  the
         2000’s and still remained at the time of his passing, it                          All activities that do take place in the hall from September will fit the regulations
         was a true honour for him to hold the role and post.                              current at the time to enable us to offer you a covid safe facility.
         I will always cherish the times that my Dad helped me                             For any information on any issues of the hall please feel free to make contact and
         with any simple or complicated task that I needed to                              in the meantime stay safe and well.
         complete; he was always there for me.
                                                                                                           Stuart Chorley — Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees

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