Page 58 - br-august-2019
P. 58

August 2019                                                                          August 2019

                                                                                           BERE HEATH METHODIST

                                                                                            The  next  Service  at  the  Chapel  will  be  on  Sunday  4
                                                                                            August at 3.00pm and will be led by the Rev Peter Clark.
                                                                                            We  are  having  a  vintage  tea  and  craft  afternoon  on
                                                                                            Saturday 17  August. Everyone is welcome.
                                                                                            Come and try a new craft or bring your own project. There will be activities for
                                                                                            A fun afternoon in a lovely Chapel with a delicious afternoon tea, come and join
                                                                                            us. £ 6.00 for an adult £1 for children. This includes tea and craft .Proceeds will go
                                                                                            towards the upkeep of the Chapel.
                                                                                             For more information contact the stewards: Karen Smith (01929 471339), Caroline
                                                                                            Harrison (01929 471378).

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