Page 43 - br-august-2019
P. 43

August 2019                          August 2019
 have  Bere  Regis  Watercress  at  50p  a  bunch  when  in  season.  There  is  a  pound
 shop set up in the foyer.  If you live within the Parish and would you like transport   ROGS
 to the Pop In Place Telephone Alison 472023 who will arrange it for you .
                            The Presidents Cup 2019
 Pop In  Place Performers Group   32  ROGS    enjoyed  baking  sunshine  while  winding  their
                            way  among  the  rolling  fairways  of  Salisbury  and  South
 We are currently on our summer break and will be meeting up again on Thursday
 5  September at 6pm to work on our Christmas Production if you want to be in this   Wilts.    Such  great  golfers  that  out  of  32  players  no  one
 show please do e mail me straight away  so that we are   managed to hit the 148 yard par three 18th !!!!
 aware.   However  there  were  some  very  good  scores  and  coming  out  on  top  was  Josh
       Eastwood  with  37  points,  well  done  to  Josh.  Second  with  36  points  was  Callum
 The lower age limit is 6 years old there is no upper limit.
       Crompton and third was Michael Egan with 35 points.

       NP on the 8th was Martin Debenham
 Dates for your diary for September
       NP in 2 on the 14th was Dean Merritt

 Bere Regis Memory Walk    LD on the 10th was Josh Eastwood
 Come  and  join  us  in  the  Alzheimer’s  Society  Bere  Regis    There were two 2's and a rollover from West Moors.   Josh Eastwood and Bob Way
 Memory Walk Saturday 14  September    each pocketing around £30
 Saturday  September  14   at  10am  the  walk  starts    in  Elder   On  the  amusing  side,  there  were  2  incidents.  Unfortunately,  one  involved  me,
 Road and is a delightful  2mile walk around the outskirts of   which was the green goblin being launched further than it hit the ball. Must have
 the village that starts near the   been the sweaty palms that did that!!!
 Kicking Wall and finishes back
 at  the  Village  Hall  for  a  well-  The 2  involved our beloved Treasurer, Peter Cheese. Most of us are old enough
 earned  cake  and  cup  of   to remember Fawlty Towers. If you recall the episode where Basil was thrashing his
 coffee.    car with tree branches, as it was not performing. Well, Peter did the same to the
       lovely  grass  with  his  15  wood.  We  were  laughing  as  much  as  watching  Basil
 Walkers  pay  £5  per  person   himself. Not a good day for either of us.
 and £10 for a whole family. No
 unaccompanied   children   Thank you to Dean Merritt for sponsoring the successful day.
 under 16.
       Again the generosity of the ROGS is astounding, raising again sizeable lump for my
       charity with the sale of the 4balls. Many thanks.

 Or just attend the Alzheimer’s Society COFFEE MORNING l
       Look forward to seeing all ROGs at the next venue on 27  July at Ashley Wood for
 If you don’t want to walk but want to come to the coffee morning at the hall the   my Captain’s Day 1  Tee 12.00.
 hall will be open form 10am. We will have piano music by the very talented Paul
 Martin and a display of memorabilia from the latest Memory Boxes .   The final word has to be that since our visit to Salisbury, the mighty ROGS played
       Wareham in a Ryder cup format. Peter Cheeseman is the Captain of Wareham,
 All over the UK people will be uniting to walk for a world without dementia, be   so he led their team. Super ROGS came out top by 15 to 10. Well done boys. It was
 part  of  it  and  come  and  join  us  on  Saturday  14   September  and  support  the   another good day and again raised loadsa money for both our charities.
 Alzheimer’s Society.
                                                                 Captain Spalds

 Macmillan  Coffee  Morning  Friday  27   September  10-12    There will be a
 raffle , coffee, home-made cakes all proceeds to Macmillan. Please  do pop in
 and show your support.

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