Page 24 - br-august-2018
P. 24

August 2018                                                                          August 2018
       Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) by the end of March this year. EHCPs set     BERE REGIS SURGERY
       out  a  child’s  needs,  including  any  health-related  needs,  in  respect  of  their
       education at either a mainstream or special school.                                 NEWS
       Despite finding themselves vastly under resourced for this colossal task, the county
       council managed to meet this deadline and transfer one hundred per cent of its      New Dispensary Opening /
       EHCPs by the deadline – a huge achievement.                                         Closing Times
       In addition to this success, the county council in partnership with schools and the   Due  to  the  GP  clinics  being  extended  to
       NHS and through consultation with parents and carers, has produced a new SEND       late  morning  and  patients  ‘concern  that
       strategy, which seeks to improve young people’s experience with SEND  services      they  will  not  be  issued  with  their  new
       from childhood through to adulthood and independence. The strategy has now          prescriptions  in  time,  the  dispensary  will
       been agreed as a working document and promotes  better partnership working          now  be closing at 12.30 pm (except for Wednesdays).
       with the NHS and schools.
                                                                                           It will remain closed between 12.30-2.30 pm. The dispensary will not be accepting
       Cllr Deborah Croney, Cabinet Member for economy, education, learning and skills     phone  calls  during  these  hours,  we  would  also  remind  patients  that  repeat
       at Dorset County Council said:
                                                                                           prescriptions will not be taken over the phone.
       “I  am  so  proud  of  our  Children’s  Services  staff  for  this  bounding  achievement.  I
       can’t  impress  enough  how  much  work  has  gone  into  turning  this  piece  of  work   The new closing times will be effective as from August 1st 2018. Thank you.
       around  to  meet  the  DfE’s  deadline.  We  knew  we  had  to  change  how  we  did                                                          Dispensary Team
       things, we have done this and it has paid dividends.
       This really is an exciting time for families of children with SEND. With the investment   Holiday Immunisations - Change of Procedure
       of £3m into SEND provision, our new SEND Strategy which will change the way we
       work  with  our  partners  and  now  we  have  successfully  recruited  to  several  key   If you are travelling abroad and think you may need immunisations, we no longer
       posts all related directly to SEND, we hope this will all go towards making families’   ask  you  to  fill  in  a  travel  form.  Instead  we  ask  that  you  make  a  10  minute
       SEND experiences much more straightforward.”                                        consultation  appointment with one of our  Practice Nurses well in advance of your
                                                                                           trip.  During  this  appointment  Nurse  will  look  at  your  destination,  previous

                                                                                           vaccinations etc, and will assess what is needed. A further appointment will then
       Surgery                                                                             be made to be vaccinated.
       Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the
       communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. If   Farewell
       you cannot make one of these please email me and I will arrange to come round
       to see you. If you have any questions or queries related to the business of Dorset   Sadly at the end of July, we said farewell to Dr Hannah Leaver, who has been with
       County Council please come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot          us for 3 months under the GP Mentoring Scheme. We thank her very much for her
       get to the surgery my email address is                      hard work and expertise. We wish her well for the future. Dr Christian Adindu will
                                                                                           join  the  Practice  in  mid-August  and  will  be  with  us  until  February.  He  will  be
                                                    Peter Wharf, County Councillor         mentored by Dr Tina A’Ness.

                                                                                           The June meeting which was held during Carers ‘Week proved to be a popular
                                                                                           event with a quiz on ‘Dorset’ followed by a tea-party for 15 people.
                                                                                           The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 at the Scout Hut, Bere
                                                                                           Regis 2-4 pm. The speaker will present a talk on ‘Laughter’. Tea and cakes will be

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