Page 25 - br-august-2018
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August 2018                          August 2018

 August workshops for children
       One  of  the  great  things  about  being  a  Member  of
       Parliament  is  the  number  of  different  people  that  I

 DRAWING DANCING & HOUSE OF DREAMS   am able to meet. Every week I meet representatives
       from  charities  and  businesses  in  Parliament,  local
 Wednesday 8th August,   10am – 11.30am, suitable for ages 2 – 4yrs
       residents  in  the  constituency,  and  young  people
    (all   children   mu st   be   accompanied   by   an   adult).   from schools and colleges.
 Drawing to music, on the floor, on the tables and on the walls; learning how to
       Looking back over the last few months gives a good
 express  the  music  mark  making.    Fast  spikey  music,  zig  zaggy  and  dotty  music,
 slow   swooping   and   smudgey   music.      This   one   can   get   messy!   feel  for  the  range  of  these  different  and  important
 Then making the house of your dreams.   issues.  In  Parliament  I  have  been  able  to  chat  to
       several  school  groups  who  have  been  to  visit  from  Dorset.  I  have  also  recently
 :After reading the story ‘The Big Orange Splot’ you will have a cardboard box and   been to visit preschools and schools in Upton, Wareham, Merley & Bearwood and
 array of other boxes and stuff to construct the house of your dreams, and then   Canford Heath. Sometimes this is to lead an assembly, or possibly be questioned
 paint it with wonderful colours. Dress for mess.  Tickets £5   by pupils or chat to the staff about the development of the school. It is always an
       incredible  privilege  to  get  the  chance  to  chat  to  young  people,  and  find  out

       about the issues that they want to raise with me. Their questions are always direct,

 TOP SECRET TREASURE CHESTS      challenging and to the point!
 Tuesday 14th August, 10.30 am - 3pm:    I  have  also  met  with  members  of  the  Youth  Summit  in  Parliament,  and  Dorset
       apprentices at a Parliamentary event. I was delighted to be able to talk about the
 a workshop for age group 6+ with Darrell
 Wakelam. Come along and build you own   importance of Science and Technology education at the opening of the Poole
 mini Pirate treasure chest complete with its   Maritime  Festival.  In  London  I  was  pleased  to  be  able  to  invite  a  Dorset  head
 own  secret  compartment.    There  will  be   teacher  to  a  reception  celebrating  our  teachers  in  10  Downing  Street  with  the
 lots of cutting, sticking, paper mâché and   Prime Minister.
 collage.    Darrell  is  a  very  inspiring  and   In addition, I have been to meetings with charities and interest groups, including
 exciting  children’s  workshop  leader  and   Christian  Aid,  a  group  promoting  the  art  of  persecuted  Yazidi  women,  social
 has been providing workshops  for over 25   justice groups, and more local groups such as Wimborne War on Waste and the
 years. Dress for mess and bring your lunch!   Scouts. I have been to visit the local Citizens’ Advice in Wareham, and opened a
 Tickets £10   new garden at Forest Hill nursing home.

       Of course, my regular surgeries right across the constituency have continued with
       surgeries  in  Wimborne,  Wareham  and  Upton,  and  street  surgeries  in  Broadstone
 Tuesday 21st August, 10am - 1pm,    and Bearwood as well. I am also planning further street surgeries, for example in
       Canford Heath, for people to be able to stop and say hello. The summer always
 a   songwriting   workshop   with   Abigail   Thommes   for   9-12   year-olds   provides  many  opportunities  for  more  informal  chats  at  fetes  and  events  -  and
 Calling  all  song  writers…….during  this  workshop  you  will  learn  different  vocal   thank you to everyone who has stopped me to say hello, and let me know your
 techniques, performance skills and of course how-to song-write.   views about a wide range of views. I was very pleased to have been invited to the
       Corfe  Mullen  carnival,  the  Wimborne  folk  festival,  the  Indian  Mela  in  Poole,
  We  will  listen  to  a  range  of  songs,  then  as  a  group  change  the  lyrics  to  well-  Morden  Village  fair,  and  St  Mary’s  Church  flower  festival  in  Lytchett  Matravers,
 known songs. After that you will get the opportunity to either work independently   amongst  others. Please  do continue to invite me to these  events, always giving
 or  in  small  groups  to  create  your  own  song.  This  workshop  will  end  with  a
 performance to showcase their work. Tickets £8    me as much notice as possible!
         I  am  very  much  looking  forward  to  the  summer  and  a  break  with  my  family,

 All tickets from Sarah Ryan 01258 839230 or Gray’s Stores

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