Page 10 - br-august-2018
P. 10

August 2018                                                                          August 2018
                                                                                           the  Parish  Council  will  request  that  the  Bureau’s  services  are  publicised  more
                                                                                           widely  in  the  Parish.    It  was  noted  by  the  Council  that  other  sources  of  grant
        JUNIOR                    “Why don’t you come and join us at the                   funding  have  been  sought  including  Purbeck  District  Council,  Dorset  County
        CHURCH                     Family Service on the second Sunday                     Council as well as Purbeck Town and Parish Councils.

        NEWS                           of every month at 11.00 am”
                                                                                           PCC of Affpuddle
                                                                                           A grant for up to £250 has been approved to PCC of Affpuddle for the purchase
                                              In  July  at  Junior  Church  and  Family    of  a  Communion  Chalice  for  day  to  day  use  at  Eucharist in  the  parish  church.
                                              Service,  we  celebrated  ‘Sea               There  is  only  one  Chalice  in  use  at  present  and  there  are  frequent  occasions
                                              Sunday’.  Our  focus  was  the  story  of    when two are needed.  The new chalice will be identified by engraving as a gift
                                              Jesus calming the storm.  For anyone         of  the  Parish  and  will  be  used  day  to  day  for  many  years  and  generations  to
                                              who doesn’t know this story, it tells of     come.  A receipt for the cup will be supplied to the Parish Council in advance of
                                              the time when Jesus and his disciples        payment  of  the  grant  in  September.    In  making  the  award  the  Parish  Council
                                              set  out  to  sail  across  a  lake.  It  was   noted that the church accounts for 2017 were in deficit and that no other sources
                                              smooth  sailing  and  Jesus  fell  asleep.   of funding to purchase the chalice could be identified.
                                              However,  a  terrific  storm  came  up

                                              suddenly and water poured into the
                                              boat.  The  disciples  woke  Jesus           Briantspuddle Village Hall Committee
                                              because they were terrified that they
                                                                                           The  application  for  a  grant  of  £500  to  assist  in  the  provision  of  improved
                                                                                           identification signs for the Village Hall and the main entrance, with the balance
       were  going  to  drown.  Jesus  told
       the  wind  “Silence!”  and  the                                                     of costs being provided from  Village Hall Committee funds, was considered by
       waves,  “Quiet  down!”  then  the                                                   Councillors.  It was felt that additional information was needed from Trustees to
       lake  became  calm  again.  Jesus                                                   consider  the  application  fully.    A  letter  detailing  the  information  requested  has
       asked his disciples “Why can’t you                                                  been sent to the VHC and the Parish Council will consider the application again
                                                                                           at its  August meeting with the benefit of this additional information.   Additional
       trust me?”
                                                                                           information requested includes details of the proposed signs and their positioning
       This  is  a  very  good  question  and                                              together with the associated quotations.  In line with the Council’s Grant Policy
       one  which  the  children  explored                                                 details  of  the  extent  to  which  funding  has  been  sought  or  secured  from  other
       during the hour before the service.                                                 sources has also been requested.
       We  talked  about  how  we  all  get
       worried in life and what we might
       do  in  such  times  of  anxiety.  If  we                                           Bladen Valley War Memorial
       got  into  trouble  at  the  seaside  or                                            The  cleaning  of  the  war  memorial  will
       out  in  a  boat  we  could  call  a                                                be  completed  by  the  end  of  the
       Lifeguard or even a Lifeboat. It was a chance to be thankful for people who put     summer.    However,  it  has  been  noted
       their own lives in danger at sea to save others. Through the actions of others, we
       can experience God’s love at work in our lives. We thought about how Jesus is       that repair work is also needed to make
       always with us and how we can learn to trust him more. Later, we did a painting     good  the  pointing  in  the  joints  on  the
                                                                                           steps  leading  up  to  the  war  memorial,
       activity.  Wax  resist  painting  requires  an  element  of  trust.  First  you  draw  your   and patching in the area on one of the
       picture using wax crayons. We chose to illustrate sea creatures. Then we painted    lettered panels where some damage is
       over  our  pictures  with  a  blue  paint  wash,  trusting  that  the  wax  would  resist  the
       paint...sure  enough,  it  did!  Our  last  activity  was  a  ‘Trust’  exercise.  Two  children   evident.    A  quotation  for  this  work
       entered  a  maze,  one  agreed  to  be  blindfolded,  while  the  other  had  the   totalling £1,782 has been received and
                                                                                           approved by the Parish Council.

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