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April 2023                                                                           April 2023
                                                                                            FIRST THURSDAY CLUB

        One of the things I most enjoy about being an MP is                                 (AUTUMN LEAVES)
        meeting  school  students  –  they  always  have  great
        questions  about  the  role  of  an  MP.  Some  questions                           We  had  over  fifty  people  at  our  March
        come up frequently, often including asking about the                                meeting.    They  just  kept  coming.    They  were
        rules  for  MPs  in  the  Chamber  of  the  House  of                               not  disappointed  with  Simon  Goddard’s
        Commons,  and  why  MPs  aren’t  in  the  Chamber  all                              presentation.    He goes out at all times and in
        the time listening to debates. I am also asked about                                all weathers. Simons runs and roams from Bere
        the  balance  of  my  role  between  being  a  local  MP,                           Down, Briantspuddle and Milborne St Andrew.
        and being a Government Minster. Secondary school                                    There were quiet pictures some taken of the empty Bypass during the pandemic.
        students are far more likely to have seen my name in                                The  pictures are taken on an I phone and in portrait format.  We were treated to
        the  news from  my  work as  Solicitor  General,  so they                           stunning pictures of remote fields, woods, fields, lines of crops, cress beds clouds
        sometimes presume that my constituency work has ended – which is far from the       and animals all on our doorstep.  For a change in mood there were black and
                                                                                            white shots of the derelict site at Rowlands Wait (Now Rochester Park)  It is a real
                                         Whenever  I  am  asked  why  the  Chamber          shame to see the old unused shower block and wrecked glamping tents.
                                         of  the  House  of  Commons  is  not  always
                                         packed, I explain that there is a great deal       For those of us who cannot walk far it was an opportunity to get off the road and
                                         of  Government  work  going  on  that  is  in      see what fabulous countryside we live in.
                                         other  parts  of  the  Palace  of  Westminster.                                                    Next  month  6   April  we
                                         There  are  debates  in  Westminster  Hall;  All                                                   have Phil Morgan and Ian
                                         Party   Parliamentary   Groups;    Bill                                                            Ventham  giving  us  a  talk
                                         Committees;  and  Select  Committees  to                                                           on  ups  and  downs  of
                                         name  but  a  few.    I  recently  appeared                                                        keeping   Bees   locally.
                                         before  the  Justice  Select  Committee,  to                                                       Bees  are  important  not
                                         answer  questions  about  the  work  of  the                                                       only  for  honey  but  for
                                         Attorney   General’s   Office.   Select                                                            producing crops and fruit.
                                         Committees  hold  the  Government  to                                                              Please come along to the
                                         account, and are an important part of the                                                          Scout  hut  2.30  p.m  cost
                                         scrutiny  of  our  work.  MPs  from  several                                                       £3.00  to  include  tea  and
                                         parties  asked  the  Attorney  General  and                                                        your raffle ticket.
        me a wide range of questions including on sentencing guidelines, the funding of
        the Serious Fraud Office and the work of the Crown Prosecution Service.                                                             Looking ahead to 4  May
                                                                                                                                            we are being treated to a
        People  also  often  presume                                                                                                        talk  by  Josie  Belasco  on
        that  the  only  way  MPs  can                                                      Dorset legends and landmarks.  Josie is adding some royal stories to her talk as we
        ask questions of Government                                                         are having a Coronation tea so put this event in your diary as well .
        Ministers is by standing up on
        the  floor  of  the  House  (Oral
        Parliamentary  Questions).    In
        fact,  there  are  numerous
        o t h e r    w a y s .    Wr i t te n                                                  When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their
        Parliamentary  Questions  are                                                         advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of
        a  very  effective  way  of
                                                                                                 their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!

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