Page 62 - br-apr-2021
P. 62

April 2021                                                                           April 2021
       My  owner  reckons  she  is  suffering  from  Lockdown                               NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER
       inertia.  She can’t be bothered to do anything.  She      Oh no!
       read an article about this and it recommended one      Not a bath …..                We are now well into spring,  and I hope you have
       should  go for  walks.  We have  been for  a few  walks.                             been  enjoying  the  sunshine  as  much  as  I  have.  I
       Another recommendation, was  that one  should  stop                                  know that the National Restrictions from January to
       watching  television.    Well  England’s  performance  in                            March  have  been  difficult,  particularly  during  the
       the cricket over the last two tests was woeful At least                              cold winter months.
       the last Tests finished in less than three days.   “Pooch
       Perfect”  has  finished,  but  I  am  worried,  she  has                             Early  last  month  the  Prime  Minister  announced  the
       bought  some  dog  whitening  shampoo  from  Healthy                                 “roadmap” – the gradual re-opening of our country,
       Pets.    I  hope  she  doesn’t  intend  to  give  me  a  bath                        including  the  easing  of  restrictions  on  travel  and
       and brush up.   I’d rather she just watch television but                             businesses.  As I write, our schools are re-opening to
       not that dreadful drag race.                                                         all pupils, with regular testing for both those in school
                                                                                            and  for  people  at  home.  Our  local  schools  and  teachers  have  adapted
       On the subject of odd things,  dressing up, I hear we                                brilliantly  over  the  last  year,  changing  to  online  teaching,  as  well  as  teaching
       are to have an Easter Scarecrow competition maybe                                    vulnerable  children  and  keyworkers’  children  in  school.  Testing  centres  have
       we will do a drag one.                                                               been set up in our secondary schools, with staff, parents & volunteers all getting
       She has been bought back off furlough and has gone                                   involved. I want to say a big thank you to all those involved in education who
       back to work at the Shell garage this week.  She is on                               have made this return to school possible.
       early shifts, which means I will not get my first walk until after nine in the morning.  I   As  restrictions  are  eased,  more  and  more  businesses  are  able  to  re-start.  Full
       am left home alone.  At least I can lie in.  She tells me I mustn’t complain as she   details of what can open when can be found online here
       needs to pay my drugs bills at the vets.                                             government/publications/covid-19-response-spring-2021 From the end of March
       We have collected the Lawn mower from its service at OHE Garden Machinery.  It       you  may  now  meet  friends  and  family  outside  –  up  to  6  people  at  once  or  2
       was a bit of a struggle getting me and the Lawnmower in the back of the car.  The    families.  This  is  to  enable  larger  families  to  meet  up.  Outdoor  sport  and  leisure
       grass has been cut once.  The weather has been sunny, windy, cold and foggy.  In     can restart,  as  can  outdoor children’s activities. If infections  continue  to  fall, in
       other words, it is a typical March.                                                  mid-April, people may stay away from home in self-contained accommodation,
                                                                                            and  more  businesses  like  personal  care  and  all  shops  may  open.  More  indoor
       I have had another letter from Honey  the cat.   She loved being featured in last    facilities can open, like libraries and gyms, and hospitality may restart outdoors.
       months  Magazine.    It  is  interesting  her  owner  and  mine  are  both  suffering  from   This is positive news and a hugely welcome step forward, but of course all of this
       lockdown inertia, this strange inability to get on and do anything.   Vaccine talk                                                 i s   depen den t   upon
       has stopped as most people, they know, have had their first dose.  Her owner is                                                    infections  continuing  to  fall,
       also frustrated at the performance of the English cricket team and the rugby team                                                  so  we  must  all  continue  to
       in the six nations.  Honey’s owner has also cut grass and started gardening.  They                                                 social distance, wear masks
       live near a school and Honey tells me they can hear the children playing happily                                                   when   appropriate,   and
       nearby.  They feed the birds in their garden.  I think we should feed birds.  I could                                              wash our hands.
       bark at them.  They also have rooks starting to nest nearby so spring is on the way.
                                                                                                                                          I also want to thank all those
       Things will change soon, there is talk of the shop being sold and it may not be a                                                  i n v o l v e d    i n    t h e
       Spar, and the Royal Oak may open in April under new Management.  There are                                                         vaccinations.   I   recently
       plans to reconfigure the layout at the garage so it will be closed for three months                                                visited several of the GP-led
       while they  do the  work.    It  is  still  a long time  until middle  of  April, when  we can                                     vaccination  centres,  to  see
       meet up for coffee in the Car park of the Pub and eat outside with friends.  The                                                   for  myself  the  process  and
       good news is that infection rates are falling.  British summer Time has arrived things                       Which Bere Regis      to  thank  the  staff  and
       can only get better.                                                                                      residents can you spot at   volunteers.  The  centres  are
                                                                                                                    Wareham hospital?     progressing  quickly  through
                                                                    Jenny Stone

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