Page 58 - br-apr-2021
P. 58

April 2021                                                                           April 2021
       A CAUTIONARY TALE                                                                   The  Housing  Team  is  urging  people  to  come  forward  to  report  or  seek  help  to
                                                                                           deal with a long-term empty property. DC employs a dedicated Empty Homes
                                                                                           Officer to investigate cases, help us identify the worst  properties and then take
       To all those of a certain age (old) who are perhaps moving into a Care Home or      the  most  appropriate  action.  We  always  start  by  offering  owners  of  empty
       other home in the sky I offer this invaluable advice! From personal experience I    properties advice and assistance about how they can bring a property back into
       and  my  daughter  have  been  helping  my  nephew  clear  my  sister's  bungalow   use. Loans of up to £25,000 are also available from Lendology Community Interest
       ready for it to be sold as she is now in a Care Home and unfortunately I think I will   Company to help carry out repairs to bring the property back into use. Owners of
       not be far behind!!!                                                                properties that have been empty for two years or more may be able to claim a
                                                                                           reduced rate of VAT on renovation or alteration works.
       Do you REALLY NEED the following items:
            2 large wardrobes of clothes - mostly too big due to weight loss              If offers  of  help  and assistance haven’t  worked  and a  property  is  affecting  the
            15 pairs of new or nearly new Hotter shoes all in boxes (size 4) Any offers?   local  community,  robust  enforcement  action  will  be  considered  to  bring  the
                                                                                           property back into use. This can include compulsory purchase or taking over the
            20 packets of doilies and 10 packets of paper napkins.                        property  by  an  Empty  Dwelling  Management  Order.  We  are  now  actively
            30 toilet rolls                                                               working  on  over  30  of  the  worst  empty  properties  where  such  action  is  either
            12 packets of cereals                                                         being  progressed  or  considered.  From  April  this  year,  houses  which  have  been
                                                                                           empty for 10 years or more will be charged 400% or quadruple Council Tax. This
            4 boxes of washing powder                                                     will mean an increase from £2,000 to £8,000 a year for a typical band ‘D’ empty
            20 bars of Dove hand soap plus                                                home.
             numerous fancy soaps

            200  large  books  -  nearly  all
             history  or  art  -  but  no                                                  Laptops
             paperbacks!                                                                   Pupils  across  Dorset  have  benefitted
            40 drinking mugs                                                              from  more  than  4,500  laptops  and
            3 canteens of cutlery                                                         tablets  to  date,  as  the  government
            20 pairs of scissors                                                          hits  an  important  milestone  in  its  roll-
                                                                                           ou t  of  de vi ce s  to  s u pport
            7 umbrellas                                                                   disadvantaged  young  people.  More
            2  brand  new  Kettles  -  she  liked                                         than 1 million devices have now been
             the old one better!                                                           delivered  to  schools  and  local
            About 50 glass plates or ornaments.                                           authorities across England as part of a
            5 vases of silk flowers - the daffodils are really realistic!                 £400million investment that will support
                                                                                           schools and young people for years to
            3  black  plastic  bags  of  miscellaneous  papers  dating  back  to  the  1950's   come.
             which have duly been burnt.
            Need I go on - does this sound like your house?                               A total of 31,147 devices have been delivered across the South West, including
                                                                                           4,521 in Dorset.  This  comprises  2,769 in the  DC area and  1,752 in  Bournemouth,
       My sister was an avid collector of stamps, silk cards from the first world war, books   Christchurch  and  Poole.  The  figures  don’t  include  devices  delivered  directly  to
       marks, and postcards which all have to be disposed of - it is heart braking for my   multi-academy trusts.
       nephew but Care Homes are not cheap.
       I hope nobody will be offended by this but it has made me think and start tiding    Children returning to school
       up mv own house!
                                                                                           97% of Dorset children returned to school on March 8th.
                                                                                           Plans  are  again  in place to  manage  any  cases  of Covid  19  and all  education
                                                                                           providers will continue to work closely with public health. If cases occur, Dorset

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