Page 66 - br-apr-2021
P. 66

April 2021                                                                           April 2021

       Dorset Council is considering how road closures could be publicised further afield   BISHOP’S LETTER
       in the hope that tourists will find an alternative destination for day trips when the
       Lulworth  area is closed to vehicles. The  situation  will  have  to be  monitored and
       any issues reported to the Police and Dorset Council.
                                                                                            This Joyful Eastertide

                                                                                            What  a  long  journey  it  has  been  to
       Pop-up campsites                                                                     Easter!  It  has  felt  like  the  longest  Lent
       The Parish Council is aware of pop-up campsite planned in the parish this year.      ever, not 40 days but over a year since
                                                                                            the  first  lockdown.  In  that  time  a  lot  of
       It  was  agreed  at  the  meeting  that  The  Parish  Council  will  attempt  to  establish   our worship has been online. Where we
       communications with the landowner to suggest some ideas to limit the effect on       have  been  able  to  worship  together  in
       the Parish of such a large influx of visitors.                                       person we have got used to being socially distanced. Coming out of lockdown,
                                                                                            still  distanced  and  Covid-safe,  worship  doesn’t  feel  so  familiar  or  so  easy.
       By way of example a one-way system will help to mitigate some of the impact on       Someone told me that they cried when they received the sacrament for the first
       the local community but will also help campers to travel safely and more easily to   time in months.
       and from the site.
                                                                                            The Church of England has tried to do its best through the pandemic but there

                                                                                            have been murmurings, as there were about Moses among the people of Israel in
       Dorset Local Plan                                                                    the  wilderness  on  the  journey  from  slavery  in  Egypt  to  the  freedom  of  the
                                                                                            promised  land.  The  pandemic  has  been  really  hard  work.  Some  of  what  the
       The  Parish  Council  has  submitted  a  response  to  the  draft  Dorset  Local  Plan
       consultation.  Concerns  were  raised  about  the  impact  on  roads  in  the  parish   churches  have  been  doing  has  been  outstanding  –  worship  online,  community
       arising from an allocation of 600 houses at Crossways. The Parish Council response   care, seeking out those most in need, schools open for the most vulnerable and
       also seeks to gain protection to land in the parish owned by the Erica Trust and     the children of key workers and so on. Some of it has been less good – and you
       raises concerns about plans to allocate land to the north of the parish for a large   can make your own list here – but I’ll own up for myself that I have been less than
       wind farm and the suitability of the B3390 for larger vehicles and heavy traffic.    perfect. Most people know their inadequacies and we also know the relief as we
                                                                                            begin to see new life emerging.

                                                                                            The  Easter  Gospel  stories  include  John’s  epilogue  of  chapter  21,  with  7  of  the
       Next Meeting                                                                         disciples  gathered  again  by  the  Sea  of  Tiberias.  5  of  them  are  named,  and  in
       The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7pm on Wednesday 14        various  ways  they  had  let  Jesus  down.  Yet  here  they  are  back  where  he  first
       April  2021.  Please  check  the  Parish  Council  section  of  the  Community  Website   called the fisherman. They are feeling perplexed but getting on with life when the
       nearer the time for the agenda and information about how to join the meeting         risen Lord came among them. John is telling us that Jesus accepted their failures
       which will be held remotely. Members of the public wishing to raise issues or make   and restored them as a community of the resurrection.
       representation in respect of any agenda item will have an opportunity to do so at    However the pandemic has been for you and us, the task this Easter is to allow
       the meeting. Alternatively, anyone who wishes to may contact the Parish Clerk in     God to recall us and put us back together as a Christian community. It will take
       advance of the meeting. Ideally correspondence should be received at least a         weeks and months and years. There’s a big job to do. If we have been attentive
       week in advance as it will not be possible to add items to the agenda once it has    we will have learned lessons about what is a person, what makes a worthwhile life
       been set.                                                                            and how we live together in God’s creation. We don’t want it to be the same as it
                                                                                            was before. We want it to be different. We can do better in response to the God
                                                                                            who loves us, sustains us, renews us this joyful Eastertide.
                                                                                                                                                     +Nicholas Sarum

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