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April 2021                                                                           April 2021

                                                                                            DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT
       Ode from A Dog

       I love to go chasing squirrels,                                                      Community Governance
       It’s really quite a lark.                                                            Review
       When I see them up a tree,                                                           During the last few months, the Council
       I stand at the bottom and bark,                                                      has  received a  number  of queries  from
       And bark and bark and bark and bark,                                                 Parish  Councils  asking  how  they  can
       And bark and bark and bark.                                                          c h a n g e   t h e i r   g o v e r n a n c e
                                                                                            arrangements,  all  of  which  can  be

                                                                                            considered  as  part  of  the  forthcoming
                                                                                            Community Governance Review CGR) ,

                                                                                            this will cover

                                                                                                 Creating, merging, altering or abolishing parishes (grouping or de-grouping

       Un-locked                                                                                Increasing or decreasing the number of Councillors

       As the hair on your head starts to thin,   If you’re guilty of repetition,               Creating ward boundaries or changing existing Warding arrangements
       Via fifty shades of grey,           Try to be circumspect,                               Changes to Parish names
       You recall, “old age doesn’t come   By saying, the reason you repeat
       alone”,                             yourself,                                            Correcting minor boundary anomalies.
       As something, your mother would say.   Is for emphasis and effect.                       Changing a parish council into a parish meeting
       Don’t think of yourself as dis-tressed,   You can say what you want in your          The responsibility of undertaking CGRs falls to the principal council (Dorset Council
       If these things you have clocked.   dotage.                                          in this case) The legislation that covers CGRs requires any Review to be completed
       Grass doesn’t grow on a busy street.   Don’t be mortally wounded or shocked.         within 12 months of DC publishing its Terms of Reference which is the document
       Just think of yourself as un-locked.   Grass doesn’t grow on a busy street.          that  sets  the  process  running.    Please  note,  any  changes  to  governance
                                           Just think of yourself as un-locked.             arrangements  agreed  as  part  of  the  Review  cannot  take  effect  until  the  next
       It can be a gradual process,                                                         scheduled elections in May 2024.
       And you can put it down to age,            Paul J Openshaw (February 2021)           The process that DC will follow will be:
       As you while away a moment or two,                                                   Publication of Terms of reference that sets out what will be covered – in this case it
       Waiting for your brain to engage.                                                    will be a review of all parishes that sit within the Dorset Council area (July 2021).
       Be open to all possibilities,
       Which, up until now have been                                                        Public consultation for 12 weeks seeking proposals/initial submissions. (5 August to
       blocked.                                                                             28 October 2021)
       Grass doesn’t grow on a busy street.                                                 Consideration   of   consultation   responses   and   preparation   of   draft
       Just think of yourself as un-locked.                                                 recommendations. (to be agreed by Full Council - December 2021)
                                                                                            Public consultation on draft recommendations. (20 December 2021 – 28 February

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