Page 57 - br-apr-2021
P. 57

April 2021                            April 2021

 Council  and  Public  Health  teams  will  work  closely  with  schools  and  colleges  to   nearing Gold Point and that meant half way! If this tide kept up we’d be there in
 communicate any necessary actions to staff, parents, carers and students. School   good  time.  Another  mile  passed  and  I  felt  physically  and  mentally  great.  We’d
 Transport will run as normal. Everyone can help by following the guidance outside   done 3 hours now and I was certain that I’d walk up that beach triumphant.
 of school and college, which can be found at
       Bump. The safety boat ran aground just as we entered the south channel behind
       Brownsea Island. We knew it was shallow here having both swum round Brownsea
 PPE for Carers   a couple of times before (RLSS swim) but we’d got here a little later than planned.
       The few metres off course had put the boat aground. This was no danger as the
 Unpaid  carers  in  the  DC  area  can  now  request  free  Personal  Protective   boat is  designed  to take  the  bottom. However,  the tide  was  falling still and  we
 Equipment  (PPE)  for  when  they  are  carrying  out  their  caring  responsibilities.   had to act fast. I got back on the boat (it’s my boat!) and eased her back off the
 Following  an  announcement  from  the  Department  for  Health  &  Social  Care,   mud bank and located the channel. Bob continued to swim/ crawl in the general
 unpaid  carers  in  the  DC  area  can  now  request  free  PPE  for  when  they  are   direction of Shell Bay. Occasionally he’d stand up, hands on hips and take a look
 carrying  out  their  caring  responsibilities.  There  is  a  particular  focus  on  extra-  around evidently thinking, “Where’s the water gone!’. With an average depth of
 resident carers (those who live outside of the household of the cared for person).   just 0.3 metres, the shallower side of Poole Harbour was now ever present.
 Dorset Council will be the first point of contact for enquiries and will register carers’
 PPE needs.   Despite being back on course my mind had lost focus. I was mentally only half in
       the swim now. Getting back in the boat had broken my rhythm. The temptation of
       the  warm  cabin  and  its  continuing  safe  passage  kept  stealing  my  focus  away

 Virtual meetings   from the last 2 miles ahead. “It’s equivalent to the usual Sunday morning swim”, I
       kept telling myself. “You can do it – you’re nearly there, the boat is fine”. I forced
 With emergency rules allowing councils and communities to meet online expiring   myself; arm over arm, breath, arm over arm, breath. “OK, I’m going to make it”.
 on May 7, fears are growing that local decisions will grind to a halt. The Lawyers in
 Local  Government  group  and  Association  of  Democratic  Services  Officers  are   Mud. Just over a mile to go - I could feel it with my hands. Bob was now walking,
 seeking a High Court ruling to keep council meetings going virtually without the   hunting for the channel. I joined him. The channel returned, arm over arm, breath,
 need for primary legislation.    arm over arm…..

 This is going to cause a major problem if this is not resolved and we are currently   Tide.  The  flood  tide  had  arrived.  It  was  now  pushing  against  us.  We  were  still
 working  with  our  MPs  to  ensure  adequate  legislation  is  enacted  to  allow  virtual   making  progress  but  the  goalpost  had  moved.  My  mind  was  now  hunting  and
 meetings  along  with  some  opportunity  for  face  to  face  meeting  as  well,  this  is   focus was blurry. It was elsewhere, seeking escape and the end to this good idea.
 sometimes called hybrid meetings.   I didn’t feel fatigued or even that cold but each stroke seemed ever so apparent,
       forced even.

 Free Parking Policy   Was it still fun? No. I got out. Just under a mile to go.
       My thanks go to Bob for sharing my good idea and being a complete inspiration,
 To support local economy, Dorset Council will give a total of 6 free parking days in   my wife for her lovely food and smiles alongside from the kayak, to Luke for his
 Dorset Council car parks each year. This is made up of the following:
       positivity and ‘go get it’ attitude and to Gordon, for driving the boat and keeping
 At the request of the Town or Parish Council free parking in all Dorset Council car   us  safe  from  other  water  users.  Thanks  also  to  Poole  Harbour  Commissioners  for
 parks for four days each year, for events which generate valuable footfall for that   their permission, positive input and wishes of success.
 town. These four days cannot be used in December but can be used on Sundays.
                                                        Bob Holman & Emile Foote
 At  the  request  of  the  Town  or  Parish  Council  free  parking  in  all  Dorset  Council
 Town Centre car parks for that town on one weekday in December.

 Free  parking  in  all  Dorset  Council  Town  Centre  car  parks  on  Small  Business
 Saturday in December.
 No other days in December will be considered unless the Town Council or Local

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