Page 61 - br-apr-2021
P. 61

April 2021                            April 2021
 the  age  ranges,  so  do  look  out  for  communications  inviting  you  for  your  turn.
 Some surgeries are using text messages, others are writing to patients, but when   DOG BLOG
 your  age  group  is  next,  you  may  also  be  able  to  book  through  the  NHS  link.
 book-coronavirus-vaccination/ Through this link you can book one of the national   Back to the rule of six!
 led centres. If you prefer, you can wait for your GP to get in touch.
       By the time you read this we should be back to the rule of six meeting outside.  This
 On  6   May  the  Police  and   will mean walks for me.  Trouble is I was 12 years old last month (84 in dog years)
    Crime  Commissioner  elections   and much as the spirit is willing the old arthritic bones are letting me know it is time
 will  be  happening.  The role of   for this old dog to slow down and take it easy.
 the  PCC  is  to  hold  the  police
 to  account,  and  ensure  an   I was taken by the dog walker up to the quarry on Black
 effective  police  force  across   hill where there is a pool in the old gravel pit where I went
 Dorset.    If  you  prefer  you  can   swimming.   I was very tired when I got back.  Two days
 choose  to  vote  by  post.  You   later  I  was  still  feeling  the  after  effects.    These  problems
 will  need  to  register  this   were  compounded  when  I  found  a    bone  and  ate  it.
 preference  with  your  local   There were some rather unpleasant results.  I suffered and
 council,  and  you  can  find   my owner was also not impressed.
 details  of  how  to  do  that  on   To be  honest I have  been struggling ever  since  and  she
 my website.    keeps threatening me with another visit to the vet.  I even
 Please  do  get  in  touch  if  you   have to have  a box  to assist me in getting into the car.
 help or support. As my staff are   We are still going for short outings.  Mainly on to Wareham
 all   working   from   home,   it   is   best   to   get   in   touch   by   email   forest on the Sherford Road where I lie on the tracks while  . I  send  out  a  regular  email  update  –  you   my owner cuts and picks up heather and grass and puts it
 can  sign  up  on  my  website  where  you  can  also   in plastic sacks.  Probably illegal!
 find links to the latest coronavirus advice. Follow me on twitter   Why?    You  may  well  ask?    My  owner’s  sister’s  pony
 @michael4MDNP   or   find   me   on   facebook   Romeo has been really ill.  It nearly died last year of a      puncture injury to its foot.  After more veterinary bills it
                                recovered  and  then  started  to  suffer  from  chronic
                                diarrhea.  The antibiotics had destroyed its gut biome.
                                This  time  nothing  seemed  to  work  and  it  looked  like
                                the end for this little pony.  Touch wood it is now slowly
                                getting  better  and  the  woody  stems  of  the  heather
                                and gorse and yellow grass seem to be helping so we
 LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT     go on this little mercy mission several times a week .  I
                                think  there  is  enough  heather  to  go  round.    Who
                                would begrudge a sick pony a bit of heather?
 Michael Tomlinson MP   
 holds regular surgeries        The  Barnes  Night  was  a  great  success.    There  were
                                about  fifteen  of  us  on  zoom  all  waving  our  Dorset
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216   Flags,  reciting  Barnes  poems,  eating  BlueVinny
 details of forthcoming      cheese and singing Dorset is Beautiful.  Taylors of Wool must have sold a lot of Blue
 surgeries or to make an      Vinny that weekend and very good it was too.  I did get some venison Casserole
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP   for my birthday though I never understand why humans have to mix in carrots red
 contact his office.   wine  cloves  and  shallots.  I’m  sure it  would  taste  better  without those additions.
       Next year the plan is to do another one possibly at the folk club where everyone
       can meet up in the flesh so to speak.

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