Page 55 - br-apr-2021
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April 2021                            April 2021

 entitled  to  a  bursary  of  £19,833  tax  free  for  the  duration  of  the  course.  On
 completing  the  programme,  students  will  obtain  a  Post-Graduate  Diploma  in
 Social  Work,  allowing  them  to  register  and  practice  as  a  social  worker,  and  to
 apply  for  any  social  worker  vacancies  available.  Online  applications  are  open
 until 7  April.  Students  can  expect  to  start  the  programme  in  January  2022  and
 completing their training in March 2023.

 Climate Change

 Consultation on our proposals concluded on 20 January and we received over
 1,500 responses. Thank you to everyone who responded. Time is now being taken
 to analyse the feedback from those who completed the survey before bringing
 the  Strategy  and  Action  Plan  back  for  approval  in  April.  As  stated  previously,
 climate and ecological change is not the only challenge we face, so funding for
 the delivery of our ambitious programme will need to be prioritised alongside the
 other  key  funding  pressures,  particularly  from  the  demands-based  services  like   the last part of my journey. Suddenly the
 social  care  which  the  council  has  a  statutory  obligation  to  provide.   sandy  beach  of  Jerry’s  Point  became
       clearer  and  more  pronounced.  I  was
 However,  I  am  pleased  to  say  that  we  have  recently  secured  several  pots  of   getting there and the feeling of euphoria
 funding  from  Government  to  help  with  our  climate  work.  Last  month  we   was immense.
 commenced construction of a sustainable travel route in Wimborne and Colehill,
 made  possible  from  £79  million  funding  awarded  to  Dorset  Council  and  BCP   My  Garmin  watch  told  me later  that  my
 Council as part of the Government’s Transforming Cities Fund scheme.  We also   swim had taken 6 hours 15 minutes but my moving time was 5 hours 8 minutes at
 recently  received  notice  that  we  had  been  successful  in  being  awarded   an average speed of 2.1 miles per hour.
 £298,000 for the Low Carbon Skills Fund. In addition, we have also been offered
 £18.7 million to enable major works to take place to reduce the council’s carbon   Jo and Luke had paddled ashore and were there to greet me with a big hug, kiss
 footprint across its buildings. This funding is really welcomed and will enable the   and handshake. Emile and Gordon clapped and cheered from the boat. What a
 council to start delivering its strategic climate and ecological objectives.   brilliant  day,  what  a  fantastic  experience.  I  am  so  proud  of  what  Emile  and  I
       achieved. I have told him that I am looking forward to the next challenge with me

       on the boat cheering him on!
 2021-22 Budget
 I put a very long article in last month’s report about our proposals for Council Tax   Emile’s Story  -  a good idea?
 for the coming year. So, I would just add some general points.
        “Are you ready then Bob?”
 Every year budget setting has become more challenging and 2021/22 is certainly
 no  exception.  The  twin  uncertainties  of  a  one-year  settlement  and  the  serious   “Yes mate, I think so.”
 short  to  medium  impact  of  the  COVID-19  pandemic  has  created  shortfalls  in   And so we immersed. 11 miles of water lay ahead of us, streaming from Wareham
 funding which have had a real impact on the revenue budget and on our ability   Quay to Poole Harbour entrance.
 to  maintain  discretionary  services,  which  are  very  visible  and  valued  by  our
 residents.  Increasing  pressures  in  the  demands-based  services  -  Adults  and   My  great  friend  and I  swim  regularly  together  all  year  round;  winter  in  the  pool,
 Children's  Social  Care  -  has  created  the  greatest  challenge.  We  have  a   summer in the sea. Whilst enjoyable, the pool is really just a means to an end; a
 balanced  budget  for  the  next  council  year,  which  depends  on  increasing   swim!  The  sea  however,  offers  us  far  more.  Every  swim  is  a  dynamic  venture;
 council  tax  and  ensuring  that  the  transformation  of  services  moves  forward  at   different tides, waves, visibility, weather and of course venue. We swim mostly at
 pace.   Ringstead Bay but this swim was something different.

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