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April 2021                                                                           April 2021

                                     We are very privileged living in the countryside                      BERE REGIS NEWS
                                     and often don’t even realise it. For example a
                                     close  relative  of  the  snowdrop,  the  snowflake,
                                     which is now grown in many gardens in various
                                     varieties,  can  be  found  growing  in  its  original   BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
                                     wild status in only two sites in the country. There
                                     is one site in south Somerset and one in Dorset       Chairman:         Ian Ventham      471480
                                     and  the  latter  is  here  in  Turnerspuddle.  It  puts
                                     on  a  spectacular  display  each  year  but  few
                                     see it                                                Vice Chairman:    Bryan Benjafield    07969
                                     The countryside is changing quite dramatically
                                     throughout the whole of the U.K. and especially       Parish Clerk:     Amanda           01935
                                     here  in  the  South  of  England.  This  is  due  to                   Crocker          83454
                                     farming to a large extent and secondly to the
                                     increased  population  and  its  needs.  More          Websites:
                                     housing,  miles  of  additional roads  are  needed
                                     for  the  huge  increase  of  cars  and  additional            
                                     transport  to  cope  with  the  movement  of  the
                                     people  and  also  for  industrial,  building  and     The Parish Council met remotely via Zoom on Thursday 11  March 2021 with two
       commercial purposes. More land is being built on for commercial and industrial       members  of  the  public  present.  The  next  meeting  will  be  on  Thursday  8   April
       uses  as  well  as  for  social  purposes  but  agricultural  is  creating  the  biggest   2021, again remotely. If you wish to join the meeting, or wish to send in a question
       differences.  Fields  are  made  different,  bigger  sizes  and  shapes  to  help  with  the   to be read out, please contact the clerk beforehand.
       use of bigger and more complex machinery, which reduces the need for labour,
       while at the same time producing more accessible and increased yielding crops.
       Hedges are still being removed, trees cut down and more areas being used for         Food Bank Grant
                                                                                            The Council unanimously agreed to award a grant of £2,400 to cover the costs of
       To live in  the countryside  today without  a vehicle is almost  impossible,  with  few   installation  of  storage  cupboards  in  the  Lower  Drax  Hall,  meaning  that  moving
       shops  within  reach,  often  no  bus  or  train  services,  little  in  the  way  of  work   forward once things return to a more normal level and the hiring out of the Drax
       opportunities  and  schools  for  children.  In  the  old  days  you  would  simply  have   Hall  resumes,  the  Food  Bank  can  still  continue  to  operate  a  provide  a  much-
       walked  or  got  on  your  bike  to  get  what  you  wanted  but  to  ride  on  the  roads   needed service, with all items being kept secure.
       today is extremely dangerous.
       So  different  from  the  old                                                        Community Garden
       days,   when     people
       especially  went  to  work                                                           Whilst  it  remains  a  priority  to  find  a  communal  space  for  this  project,  it  was
       on  a  bike  or  on  the  bus.                                                       discussed  at  the  meeting  that  in  the  meantime,  some  community  gardening
       Many did not have cars or                                                            could  be  undertaken  to  improve  the  Cemetery  including  the  planting  of  trees
       indeed  licences  to  drive                                                          and  flower  bulbs  and  renovating  the  shelter  at  the  top.  It  is  hoped  that  then
       them. When I started work                                                            further areas around the village could also be improved in the same way, giving
       on  the  farm  there  were                                                           members of the community a purpose and a chance to engage in some social
       eight  members  of  staff,                                                           interactions once restrictions are eased. Further details of this will be announced
       two  who  lived  nearby                                                              in due course.
       walked  and  the  other  six
       rode in on bicycles.

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