Page 51 - br-apr-2021
P. 51

April 2021                            April 2021

       One man in particular comes to mind. He lived close enough to walk in but often
       rode  his  bike.  Old  Bob  had  worked  with  horses  and  called  tractors,  “They
 Dorset Property Care   thousand pound armchairs”and didn’t ever intend to drive anything apart from a
 Allan Slater   horse. He didn’t even like being driven in a car.
 Based in Briantspuddle   When his eldest daughter was married, Bob was about sixty years old. On the day
    Services   of the wedding his wife dressed him in his “best” clothes and marched him off to
    Building maintenance   the village church. The reception was to be at the new home of the bride and
    General joinery   groom  some  four  miles  away  on  a  recently  built,  housing  estate.  After  the
       wedding service, despite many offers for lifts in cars, Bob said no, “I’ll go on my
    Garden maintenance   bike”. So Bob followed on in all his wedding splendour on his four mile trek on his
    Garden landscaping   bike. But he never arrived at the reception.
    Kitchens   Later  that  day  when  his  wife  and  younger  daughter  arrived  home,  they  found
    Man and digger hire   Bob  eating  his  tea.  Of  course  they  were  furious  and  wanted  to  know  why  he
       hadn’t turned up at the reception. He replied that he had ridden to the village
       concerned  but  couldn’t  find  the  house.  As  the  estate  consisted  of  only  twelve
 07973 158092   houses, they asked him why he didn’t ask or even look for the cars that had been
       used  that  day?  To  this  of  course  he  had  no  answer,  except  that  he  couldn’t   remember  her  new  name.  Bob was  a countryman,  who  kept himself to himself   and was too shy at sixty to mix with people he hardly knew.
       I hope that is worth the few moments needed to read this.

       May I say thank you for your comments for past articles, to Madge or myself
                                                                      May God bless you all.
                                                                                                Ted Cox

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