Page 46 - br-apr-2021
P. 46

April 2021                                                                           April 2021

       BERE REGIS SPORTS CLUB  -  CRICKET                                                  At  the western  (Jubilee  Bridge) end
                                                                                           of Souls Moor there is an area which
                                                                                           is not grazed. This has now become
        Bere Regis Sports Club will once again be an All                                   quite  wild  and  bushy  and  is
        Stars Cricket Centre this summer. All Stars is for 5                               definitely  a  favourite  area  for
        to 8 year olds costs £40 and includes 8 weeks of                                   nesting  birds  and  small  mammals,
        fun  filled  sessions  on  Sunday  mornings  at  the
        recreation ground, kit, kit bag and personalised
        shirt  and  opportunities  to  attend  Hampshire
        and/or Somerset matches for free.
        We  will  also  be  a  Dynamos  Cricket  Centre  as
        well,  this  being  for  9  to  11  year  olds.  Once
        again,  £40 gets  you 8 Sunday  morning fun sessions, personalised  shirt,  access  to
        the Dynamos app and opportunities to see the new  Hundred format cricket.
        Both All Stars and Dynamos start on Sunday 9  May.

        The   only   way   to   register   is   through   or
        We  will  also  be  offering  training  and  matches  for  11  to  15  year  olds  during  the
        summer.  Further  details  about  ANY  of  these  are  available  from  Andy  Kent  on
        07957 823234 or

                                                                                           such  as  mice  and  voles.
        We need you!                                                                       These  being  part  of  ‘the
        Do you have a keen interest in social media and communications and have time       food chain’ are inevitably
        available to support your local cricket club.                                      tasty  meals  for  buzzards
                                                                                           (pictured)  and  kestrels
        We  are  looking  for  a  volunteer  to  look  after  the  Bere Regis  Cricket  Club  media   which  are  quite  often
        channels and to help grow our online and offline presence.                         seen keeping a keen eye
                                                                                           on the area. The flooded pools in the grazed area are good stopping off points
                                    Supported  by  the  cricket  club  committee,  we      for winter migrants such as Redwings (pictured) and Fieldfares.
                                    would  like  you  to  create  engaging  content  to
                                    promote  the  club  via  social  media  platforms,     We are very pleased with the way the moor has developed for wildlife and we
                                    provide newsletter and magazine content and to         hope you enjoy the ‘wild things’ that are there too.
                                    help ensure that our website is up to date.
                                    If  this  is  you,  or  someone  you  know,  please    Conservation Working Parties
                                    contact    H    Swann,    07753820730     or
                          , for more information in       For  obvious  reasons  the  regular  Conservation  Working  Parties  have  not  taken
                                    the first instance.                                    place over the past year. Now that we are into the bird nesting season we will not
                                                                                           be  carrying  out  any  work  parties  for  the  time  being.  We  hope  to  be  able  to
                                                                resume  them  in  the  once  the  bird  nesting  season  is  over  and  Covid  restrictions

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