Page 48 - br-apr-2021
P. 48

April 2021                                                                           April 2021

                                                                                           Parish Council Vacancy
                                                                                           We  are  very  grateful  to  Cathryne  Packham  for  her  involvement  as  a  Parish
                                                                                           Councillor over the past 3 years. She will be standing down at our AGM in May.
                                                                                           There will be a vacancy on the Council from then, so we would invite anyone who
                                                                                           would  like  to  be  involved  in  sustaining  our  community,  through  planning,  our
                                                                                           environment, provision of facilities and creating events to put their name forward
                                                                                           to Amanda Crocker, our clerk.

                                                                                           Various  planning  applications  were  discussed  at  the  meeting.  A  full  list  of  the
                                                                                           responses can be found in the minutes, available on the Parish Council website
                                                                                           and more detailed information can be found on the Dorsetforyou web site:

                                                                                           Annual Parish Meeting and AGM
                                                                                           We are obliged to hold this meeting between the 1st March and 1st June so, in
                                                                                           the current environment, this will have to be held remotely. It is the intention of the
                                                                                           Parish  Council  to  hold  this  year's  meeting  before  the  start  of  the  monthly  Parish
                                                                                           Council meeting on Thursday 13th May. We would invite anyone wishing to attend
         Paul Martin      07788 185048                                                     to let the Clerk know and they will be sent the link.

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