Page 41 - br-apr-2021
P. 41

April 2021                            April 2021


 Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and   It is thirty years since the death of my father Vic Stone
 approve businesses so you don’t have to.   who died on the 26  April, l991.  I recall the occasion of
 For more information visit or   his  thanksgiving  service  held  at  St  Mary’s  church
 call 08454 040506.             Wareham  on  3rd  May.      I  have  spent  some  of  my
 To report or seek advice about problems you have   lockdown time reaching for some thirty year old audio
       typing  skills  and  have  typed  out  from  the  cassette
 experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.    recording  of  the  service  the  eulogy  delivered  by
       George Willey on this Occasion.
 Bird Flu at Christmas as told by an Animal Health Officer.   As my father was chairman of the Purbeck District Council at the time of his death
 After a very busy year dealing with the various challenges covid had thrown up   the service was held in  Wareham.  Bloxworth church was too small.  Bere Regis
 running the Dorset Council Trading Standards  Animal Health Team I was looking   residents  and  Bloxworth  residents  along  with  the  great  and  Good  of  Purbeck
 forward to a nice break over Christmas. In an attempt to be organised for once I   district council all gathered with standing room only in St Mary’s.  My father was
 had booked the week running up to Christmas off so I would have plenty of time   Governor of Purbeck School. The school orchestra played.  My cousin Liz sang the
 for  Christmas  shopping.  Unfortunately  one  phone  call  from  the  Government   William  Barnes  song  Linden  Lea.    My  cousins  in  the  Red  Post  choir  sang  an
 Animal  and  Plant  Health  Agency   arrangement by my Uncle Mick Gulliford of Swing Low Sweet Chariots to reflect
 (APHA)  ruined  these  plans.  An     my father’s love of rugby.
 outbreak of bird flu had been found   I  will  place  a  full  copy  of  the  typed  eulogy  on  the  memories  of  Bere  Regis
 in  a  small  backyard  flock  of  ducks   Facebook page as at nearly 3,000 words it is rather long for the parish Magazine. I
 and chicken near Gillingham. Bird flu   am  not  sure  after  all  this  time  many  people  will  remember  that  much  detail.
 is  brought  into  the  country  by   George Willey was a great friend of my father’s, a well known local thespian and
 migratory  birds  and  if  it  infects   press reporter.  I will also forward a copy to John Pitfield in the Bere Regis History
 domestic  birds  it  can  have  a   society who can place a copy among his file of press cuttings on my father.
 devastating  effect  with  very  high
 mortality rates. It was reported that 5   My  father  farmed at  Bloxworth  from 1961 until  his  death.    All five of his  children
 of the 6 chicken in the effected flock   attended Bere Regis School.  My father was a frequent visitor to Bere Regis village,
 died  within  24  hours  of  becoming   to shop, to put fuel in the car and to visit the local pubs.  His beaten up blue Saab
 sick.                                                 96  was  a  regular  sight  in
                                                       the village with mud, baler
 As  soon  as  a  case  of  bird  flu  is              twine,  fencing  poles  and
 confirmed  a  3km  protection  zone  is  put  around  the  infected  premise  and  it  is   the  growing  crop  of  corn
 Dorset Council’s job to support APHA to visit as many properties as possible in that   wedged in the bumpers.
 zone  to  see  if  the  household  are  keeping  poultry  in  their  back  gardens.  In  this
 outbreak the zone took in most of Gillingham which meant over 5000 properties. I   In  1966  he  was  very
 was very lucky as most of my colleagues in Trading Standards stepped forward to   involved  with  the  making
 help out and so on the first day of foot patrols 13 of us were knocking on doors,   of  the  film  far  from  the
 maintaining a Covid social distance, in the area and 3 days later we had finished,   Madding   Crowd   at
 just in time for a hectic Christmas Eve shopping spree.   Bloxworth  and  taught  the
                                                       film  star  Julie  Christie  to
 As  a  result  of  various  outbreaks  around  the  country  all  poultry  must  be  kept  in   milk  a  cow.    He  was  an
 housing and not allowed to free range. Further details of the rules can be found   agricultural  advisor  to  the
 on the gov website.   film  company  and  had  a
                                                       small  part  with  screen

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