Page 52 - br-april-2020
P. 52

April 2020                                                                           April 2020

         BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE                                                                        OBITUARIES/EULOGIES

                                      NEWS                                                           She had a wonderful sense of humour and never tired of listening to
                                                                                                     the  1960s  “Beyond  the  Fringe”  and  the  piece read  by  Alan  Bennett
       AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH                                                    called  “Take  a  pew”.    She  had  memorised  most  of  the  words  and  always
                                                                                             laughed no matter how many times she heard it.
                                                                                             She enjoyed word games and crosswords and completed the crossword in the
                                                                                             paper every day.  This along with reading novels and passages from the Bible
                                                                                             kept her mind agile.
        At  its  February  meeting  Councillors  co-opted  Emily  Hall  of  Briantspuddle  to  the
        Parish Council. There is still a vacancy which could be filled through co-option and   Eventually  she  could  no  longer  see  well  enough  to  read  and  became
        anyone interested should contact the Parish Clerk at or     dependent  upon  outside  help  so  it  was  with  great  sadness  that  she  finally
        by calling 01305 849596.                                                             agreed that the time had come to move into a home where she would be safe,
                                                                                             warm  and  looked  after  round  the  clock.  At  the  care  home  in  Sherborne  she
        Councillors discussed feedback from the Planning Officer relating to the Decision
        Notice for the planning application for land at Shakes Hole. The application was     made  some  friends  and  there  was  always  activity  around  her  to  keep  her
        approved due to a new noise assessment having been carried out. This met with        occupied.  She  was  very  well  cared  for  and  passed  away  peacefully  on  8
        the  requirements  of  legislation.  On  that  basis,  the  Planning  Committee  took  the   February.
        view that approving the application to extend leisure activities to 4 days per week   She  was  laid  to  rest  in  Affpuddle  churchyard  on  6
        “would  not  significantly  harm  the  rural  character  of  the  surrounding  area.”  The   March.  It was a calm day; the sun was shining, the
        Parish Council does not share this view and although there is nothing more that      daffodils  were  out  and  as  the  coffin  was  slowly
        can  be  done  about  this  application,  the  Council  will  inform  local  Dorset   carried slowly from the church to the grave, a robin
        Councillors that it is disappointed that the views of the local parish council are not   was  singing  loudly  as  if  to  bid  her  farewell.  What  a
        given  more  weight  when  planning  applications  are  considered,  particularly  as   lovely send off.
        Dorset  Council  have  said  that  they  want  to  foster  a  better  working  relationship
        with local councils.                                                                                                   Roger Wharton
        Flooding  and  the  general  condition  of  roads  is  an  ongoing  issue  in  the  Parish.
        Previously Highways Officers would visit the parish to take part in a ‘Ward  Walk’
        with  Parish  Councillors.  More  recently  this  has  not  been  the  case,  but  Dorset
        Councillor Peter Wharf has agreed arrange one soon.  This will give all parties a
        better  understanding  of  the  issues  and  priorities  can  then  be  discussed  and

        Councillors discussed the carbon footprint of the Parish Council.  Work is ongoing
        to  finalise  figures  but  the  Council  plays  a  small  part  in  contributing  to  carbon
        emissions.  This being said the Council hopes to encourage other organisations to
        calculate their carbon footprint and aim to reduce it.
        Concerns  have  been  raised  relating  to  the  maintenance  of  trees  in  the  parish,
        particularly those close to roads which may constitute a threat to public safety.
        The Parish Council is in discussion with Dorset Council about the matter.  There is a
        leaflet on the community website which offers guidance about the maintenance

       Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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