Page 53 - br-april-2020
P. 53

April 2020                            April 2020
       of both trees and hedges.  The Parish Council has established that Dorset Council
    OBITUARIES/EULOGIES   has the power to enforce work, should this be necessary.
       The April meeting of the Parish Council will take place in Briantspuddle Village Hall
 cleaning  day  when  newspaper  was  laid  on  the  floor,  all  the  brasses   at  7pm  on  Wednesday  the  8 .  Members  of  the  public  are  welcome  to  attend
 gathered  –  and  there  was  a  lot,  and  she  would  methodically  polish   and will have an opportunity to raise any issues.
 everything with Brasso until they sparkled.

 It was the same with the garden.  She was always wanting to move flower beds,
 make  new  beds,  alter  the  rockery,  change  the  shape  of  the  lawn.  She  really
 loved her garden. While Horace did the spade work Kath did the planning.   Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish Council – Contact Details
 Among  her  many  talents  was  dressmaking  and  sewing.    The  living  room  floor
 was  often  littered  with  patterns  to  which  material  was  carefully  pinned.  She   Parish Councillor/   Email Address   Telephone
 made all her own clothes, curtains and furniture covers. She and Horace were   Clerk   number
 also adept at decorating and they painted and decorated every room in the
        Anna Bendall – Parish
 house.  They were a good team.    Clerk   m
 Kath and Horace retired at the same time and bought their first car.  Kath was   Sue Jones - Chairman   01929 471375
 the  driver,  Horace  never  drove,  he  was  the  navigator  and  petrol  monitor,  so
 they were a good team at that too. They started to have holidays abroad and   Charles Barter – Vice   01929 463663
 had a wonderful 5 years of retirement together before Horace sadly died. Kath   Chairman
 sold the house and moved to Droitwich which was close to where her two sons   Lizzie Guinn   01305 848916
        Graham Lightfoot        01929 471498
 In  1990,  she  moved  to  Briantspuddle  where  she  lived  out  her  days  in  the
 beautiful  Dorset  countryside.    She  took  up  painting  and  became  quite  skilful.    Sarah Lowman   01929 472702
 She  even  sold  a  few  watercolours  amid  local  competition.  Her  years  in   Stuart Chorley   01929 472869
 Briantspuddle were probably among the happiest in her life.
        Trevor Poole            01929 471496
 She was always a churchgoer wherever she lived.  It is where she made friends
 and joined in the local community. Throughout her life it was the church and her
 deep Christian faith that gave her strength, courage and confidence to soldier
 on even at times of great sadness: when Horace passed away and then when
 her younger son died unexpectedly.  She never lost her faith although when she
 reached 100 years she sometimes wondered if God had forgotten her!
 She loved driving and enjoyed exploring the Dorset countryside in her little car.
 She  was  94  when  she  reluctantly  gave  up  driving.    She  began  to  walk  to  the
 village shop to buy her provisions and morning paper
 and it was at the village shop where she could chat to
 neighbours and catch up on local gossip. She served
 behind the counter at the shop for several years until
 she could no longer see well enough to give change.
 She was a member of the WI and she attended keep
 fit classes in Briantspuddle until well into her 90s where
 she was an example to the younger members.

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