Page 47 - br-april-2020
P. 47

April 2020                            April 2020

 appreciation of the difficulties with communications in our rural areas and to get
 government  to  provide  greater  support  to  Dorset.  We  are  left  with  little  real
 alternative  to  BT  for  Broadband  installation,  so  we  need  to  put  real  pressure  on
 them. Please email me with any examples you may have, and I will pass them on
 where I can.

           What better way to spend an afternoon with the children, than making

 Domestic Abuse   Easter Biscuits. They can have fun decorating and making stencils to cut
 We have been awarded nearly £1Million to address Domestic abuse.

 The funding has been awarded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local
 Government  (MHCLG)  to  continue  work  focused  on  early  intervention  and
 education,  breaking  down  barriers  faced  by  those  in  our  most  hard  to  reach      200g/8oz butter
 communities  and  support people  experiencing  domestic  abuse  and  keep  them
 safe in their homes. Since starting, the project has already trained more than 170      150g/6oz caster sugar
 champions across Dorset, made nearly 100 homes safer and increased awareness
 across health services and the community. Anyone who is experiencing domestic      2 large egg yolk
 abuse can contact the confidential, free 24-hour helpline on 0800 032 5204 or by      400g/14oz   plain   flour
                 and extra for flouring

                1 level tsp mixed spice
 The Asian Hornet
                1 level tsp ground cinnamon
 They  are  an  unwelcome
 invader they will eat all kinds      2-4 tbsp milk
 of   pollinators,   but   their
 favourite food is honeybees.
 They also have a very nasty   Method
 sting.  The  Asian  Hornet  is
 about  the  size  of  a  wasp.   Preheat oven 180c/350f/gas 4
 They  are  dark  black/brown   lightly grease two baking trays lined with baking parchment
 with an orange band on the
 fourth segment of their abdomen, they have yellow legs and an orange face, their   Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
 wings are slightly longer than their body. The queens will come out of hibernation
 in the next two months and start laying eggs in nests which can be found in towns   Beat in egg yolk
 and  the  countryside.  Sightings  of  the  Asian  hornet  should  be  reported  to   Sieve in flour and spices and add enough milk to give a fairly soft dough with details of the location and a photo of the insect. A   and bring together using your hands, to make a soft dough.
 bee  inspector  will  be  come  out  to  verify  the  sighting  and  call  in  a  team  to
 eradicate the nest.   Lightly flour the work surface and roll out to a thickness of 5mm/1/4 inch
           ( it might be easier to do in two batches)

           Cut into what ever shape you want, bunnies, chicks, eggs.
 Peer Review
           Bake for 10-15 mins.  Remove from oven and lift onto a wire rack to cool
 We  recently  completed  a  Peer  review  where  a  small  team  of  members  and
 officers from across the country reviewed our services and our ambitions. We were   Let the fun start with decorating and enjoy.
 very  pleased  to  report  that  they  are  pleased  with  our  progress  to  date  and  the

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