Page 56 - br-april-2020
P. 56

April 2020                                                                           April 2020

                                                                                           Papua New Guinea to tell the people about Jesus. The powerful effect of this film
                                                                                           on the people is described here:-
                                                                                           ‘As the guards who would crucify Jesus took the big nails in their hands, people
                                                                                           muttered resentment.  Moments later you could see and hear the nails being hit
                                                                                           by the hammer, securing Christ’s arms and legs to the wood.  The cry of pain by
                                                                                           the  Lord  was followed  by  cries from  all  around  as everyone  watches  with  fixed
                                                                                           At least 500 men, women and children were present that night, and by this time
                                                                                           they had been watching for an hour and a half.  I had already been exposed to
                                                                                           the audible expressions from the crowd.  There was a joyful cheer, for example, at
                                                                                           the  sight  of  the  baby  Jesus,  or  clicking  with  the  tongue  to  show  respect  when
                                                                                           Jesus followed John the Baptist into the river Jordan to be baptised.
                                                                                           And  when  Jesus  spoke  to  the
                                                                                           daughter  of  Jairus      ‘Yu  kirap’,
                                                                                           thus  raising  her  from  the  dead,
                                                                                           loud   applause    was   the
                                                                                           response,  causing  us  all  to  miss
                                                                                           the next scene!
                                                                                           Now  we  saw  the  cross  being
                                                                                           hauled  by  ropes  to  its  vertical
                                                                                           position, with Jesus nailed on it.
                                                                                           At  this  time  weeping  and
                                                                                           wailing broke out all around me
       BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB                                                                  as  people,  possibly  for  the  first
                                                                                           time in their lives, realised what
                                                                                           it  meant  for  a  man  to  be
       Though it may seem that August is a lifetime                                        crucified.
       away  given  the  current  coronavirus  fog                                         At the same time I realised how much I was accustomed to it.  How often I had
       something  that  might  be  a  focus  to  occupy                                    heard about it, read about it?  Yet how long since I had cried about it?  Had I
       us  all  is  preparing  for  the  annual  village                                   perhaps  grown  cold  by  allowing  the  cross  to  become  a  mere  mental
       horticultural show on the 1st August.
                                                                                           acknowledgement of events, leaving out my heart  and feelings?  That night as
       What the situation regarding coronavirus may                                        the  wailing  was  going  on around  me,  I  asked  God  to  make  the  cross real  and
       be  in  August  is  right  now  impossible  to                                      alive in my own heart again.”
       estimate but thinking positively about the next                                     As  we  remember  again  the  familiar  story  of  the  crucifixion  and  resurrection  of
       4  months  planning  and  producing  ones                                           Jesus,  what  is  our  response?    We  remember  literal  events.    These  are  not  fairy
       entries for the horticultural show and the best                                     stories  or  myths.    There  is  ample  contemporary  historical  evidence  to  support
       kept garden element of the show are things                                          these facts.  Jesus’ disciples would not have been willing to die for something they
       that  could  occupy  a  significant  amount  of                                     knew was untrue, but they had seen Him die, and they had seen Him after the
       time  and  work  for  everyone  and  can  be
       done in isolation in one’s own garden, house                                        resurrection.
       or  whilst  taking  exercise  around  the  village                                  The important thing is “Why did Jesus die?”   He took on Himself the punishment
       and surroundings.                                                                   for all the wrong things that we have done, that separate us from a Holy God.  It is

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