Page 57 - br-april-2020
P. 57

April 2020                            April 2020
 Flowers and Cleaning Rota
       There may well be issues regarding physically placing exhibits in the village hall for

       the show and the judging of cakes, jams, handicrafts, flowers and veg on the 1st
 Date:      Flowers:        Cleaning:
       August, but that is something that will be thought through and dealt with in July.
 4 April     Lent, Palm Sunday   Nicky Killer   However  even  if  it  isn’t  practicable  to  judge  all  entry  categories  preparing
 11 April     Decorate for Easter   Lindy Ventham   exhibits will have provided all of us with something to occupy our time whilst in
       isolation or thinking about coronavirus  between now and the 1st August.
 18 April              Elizabeth Whatley
       Two aspects of the show that certainly can be judged, whatever the situation,
 25 April     Vivi Armitage      Vivi Armitage
       are the photographic section and the Best Kept garden entries.
 2 May     Trish Killbank      Shirley Prideaux
       The theme for the Best kept garden this year is “Best kept front garden as seen
       from the road” which requires the judges to walk, or drive, around the village a
       few days prior to the 1st  August without physically interacting or being in close
 OTHER CHURCHES NEWS   proximity with any resident.
       Similarly exhibits for the photographic section of the show can be submitted and
 BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH   judged online.  The topics for the photographic section are “Local Wildlife” and
       “Village Theme” and obviously photographs can be taken in one’s own garden
       or whilst taking exercise around the village, woodland, heath or wherever.
 Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting  preachers.   I hope  as  many  as  possible  will  submit  entries  to  this year’s  show  and  gain  the
 Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting   enjoyment of doing so, whilst thinking positively  about the future.
 Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group   Peter Talbot, Secretary

 Tuesdays 6.00pm  Youth Club for young people aged 11-17
 Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer       G P Lewis
          Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator
 Everyone is warmly invited to our Easter Services
 Good Friday 10  April at 10.30am
 Easter Day Sunday 12  April at 10.30am   All aspects of painting and
         decorating undertaken including

         Domestic, New builds, Refurbs
 The  following  story  came  from  Mission  Aviation  Fellowship,  a  Christian  missionary
 organisation  that  uses  smaller  planes  to  reach  difficult  areas  all  over  the  world,   and Commercial.
 taking in aid and medical staff, and bringing out sick people in need of hospital   Qualified and with over 30 years
         experience, will offer friendly
  It also reminded me that to celebrate the millennium, back in 2000, as a church   advice if needed.
 we distributed copies of the ‘Jesus’ video to every home in this village.  If you lived
 here 20 years ago you may remember receiving a copy.  It is a dramatised version      1st class finish   If you require a job done hassle free
 of the life of Jesus.  I wonder if it had the effect on you that it had on the people  in   Free written quotes   by an honest, friendly tradesman
 this story?                                       please give Gavin a call on
 “Mission Aviation Fellowship staff have been using the ‘Jesus’ film to great effect in      Fully insured   01929 471704 or 07977
            No job too small or big                   047314, Email:

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