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April 2020                                                                           April 2020

        THE BERE REGIS FOLK GROUP                                                           DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT

        Bere  Regis  Folk  Night  is  held  every  3rd  Tuesday  of  the
        month  in  the  Stable  Bar  (the  old  skittle  alley)  of  the Drax              Coronavirus
        Arms,  West  Street,  Bere  Regis.    It  is  a  non  profit  making
        evening and aims to bring live music at little or no cost into                     The Council is prioritising its workforce to
        the village.  You can hear a wide range of music from folk                         help the most vulnerable in society who
        to rock played by local people who are there by invitation                         may  be  finding  life  difficult  at  the
        only. It is a non profit making evening, most artists play for                     moment. We can add nothing further to
        free and no charge is required.  Occasionally there will be                        the  advice  that  is  being  issued  by  the
                     a small charge to cover the costs of those                            Government and would urge people to
                     artists  who  charge  for  their  performance.                        watch  the  news  for  the  latest
                                                                                           developments.  There  is  a  great  deal  of
                     Refreshments are readily available from the main bars of the Drax
                     Arms.                                                                 advice  on  how  people  can  protect
                                                                                           themselves  online  at
                     Tuesday 21st April 2020
                                                                                           Tax on Empty properties
                     at 8pm in the Stable Bar of the Drax Arms.
                                                                                           Most people will be aware that we have a very major housing shortage in Dorset.
                     There will be no entrance fee on this occasion.
                                                                                           At our recent full Council meeting we approved a variety of incentives designed
                                                                                           to encourage people  with houses not to leave them empty for long periods of
                                                                                           time thereby bringing them back into the Housing market. One of the approved
                     Purbeck Storm are a five piece band, play a lively mix of original,                                          initiatives relates to long-term empty
                     contemorary  and  traditional  English,  Irish  and  American  Folk-                                         properties  incurring  an  increase  in
                     roots.    From  riotous  drinking  songs,  sing-along  favourites,  spirited                                 council tax. Councillors approved, in
                     songs of defiance and dissent, to songs of dark murder.
                                                                                                                                  addition  to  the  existing  premium  on
                     Mc Flute are a duo  made  up of Terry on guitar and vocals and                                               properties  empty  for  more  than  two
                     Crispin  on  flute.    Regulars  on  the  Dorset  folk  scence  and  we                                      years  to  charge  a  council  tax
                     welcome them back to our Folk Night.                                                                         premium  of  200%,  effective  from  1
                                                                                                                                  April  2020,  if  the  dwelling  has  been
                     Andrew  Helson  mult-  instrumentalist  who  plays  a  mixture  of  Irish                                    unoccupied  and  unfurnished  for  at
                     and Folk songs.                                                                                              least  5  years  and  to  charge  a
                                                                                                                                  council  tax  premium  of  300%,
                     Alan  Winter  who  sings  and  John  House  who  accompanies                                                 effective  from  1  April  2021,  if  the
                     him.  They both play the guitar.
                                                                                                                                  dwelling  has  been  unoccupied  and
                     We look forward to seeing you on this occasion.  If you have never                                           unfurnished  for  at  least  10  years.  At
                     tried  the  venue  you  will  be  most  welcome  and  perhaps  you  will   the date of writing this article, there are approximately 176 properties that have
                     find it most enjoyable.                                               been empty for at least two years.


                                                                                           I have informed BTOpenreach that we are very dissatisfied with their service and I
                                                                                           will  be  talking  to  our  MPs  and  hopefully  to  a  Minister  to  try  to  get  a  greater

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