Page 35 - BR October 2023 (1)
P. 35

October 2023                         October 2023
 Andy:  We  would  like  to  continue  developing  as  a  community  hub  and  use  the   BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY
 facilities for other local events. For example, the Old Club House is used by the WI
 once a month and the Rainbows and Brownies every Monday.
        Spitfires Over Bere ..... Again
 In October we are taking part in the Purbeck Film Festival and will be showing the
 film “Champions” about a basketball coach. We are also hoping to have a film   On a few days in June and July 2023 the village was rocked by
 show  every  two  months,  outside when  the  weather is  good enough, starting on   the  sound  of  Merlin  and  Griffin  engines  coming  from  Spitfire
 September 30th.   aircraft  and  a  few  other  aircraft.  On  the  29th  June  I  was
        fortunate to be in West Street, when that sound came again,
 Janey: Are you both still playing sport?   and  looking  up,  the  unmistakeable  shape  of  a  Supermarine
        Spitfire  again  roared  up  above  me,  swerving  and  sweeping,
 Andy:  I  play  cricket  for  the  Dorset  over  60s  now  and  I  lead  the  junior  cricket   then gently turning again to head north-west. Each time I had
 programmes.   not been quick enough to take a photo, but I did manage it, at the last moment,
 Peter: I used to play football and cricket. But now I just play golf. I enjoy it for the   on 10 June 2023 as it disappeared over the roof-tops.
 camaraderie, and it keeps the brain cells going!   It reminded me that my father had told me that Bere had been "beaten up" by
 Details:   Spitfires before, but this time in 1940 and 1941. The sons of the village headmaster,
        Mr  Whiteside,  both  regularly  zoomed  over  the  village and  the  head's  house  at
 Bere Regis Sports Club is open to anyone to join as a member. If you feel you can   Snow Hill after taking off from Warmwell Aerodrome nearby. Apparently they had
 contribute as a part of a team, coach or manger, please make contact using the   both  deliberately  zeroed  in  on  their  father's  house,  perhaps  to  raise  morale
 details in the directory section of this magazine.   locally.  Warmwell  was  about  6  miles  South  of  the  village,  so  just  a  couple  of
 The  film  “Champions”  starring  Woody  Harrelson,  will  be  shown  on  Tuesday  31   minutes away. Neither of the boys survived the war and are buried in the village
 October at the Bere Regis Sports Club, The Jessie Harvey Pavilion. Tickets are £7 or   cemetery.
 £5.50  for  students  and  Under  25s  and  available  online  from  the  Purbeck  Film   I  later  found  that  the
 Festival website                       Spitfires of 2023 had flown
                                                        out  of  Compton  Abbas
                                                        ai rfi e l d,   n orth    of
                                                        Blandford,    recently
                                                        bought  by  film  director
                                                        Guy Ritchie and who was
                                                        charging    passengers
                                                        £2,975  for  rides  which
                                                        went  to  the  South  coast,
                                                        about   Lulworth,   then
                                                        along the coast to the Isle
           Spitfire over Bere in 2023                   of  Wight,  back  via  Hurn,
                                                        then  again  across  Bere
                                                        Regis  about  15  minutes
                                                        later,   then   back   to
                                                        Compton  Abbas.  It  was
                                                        very exiting too, for us on
                                                        the ground.

                                                    John Pitfield, Projects Secretary

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