Page 33 - BR October 2023 (1)
P. 33

October 2023                         October 2023

 Club  regularly  use  the  pool  for   BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP
    training and exams.
 As I began my swim, it became   The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will be
 apparent that conditions would   on  Tuesday  October  10   at  2pm  in  Winterborne
 be  somewhat  challenging.  The   Kingston village hall.
 water  temperature  was  a  cool
 13  degrees  C  (typical  for  early   The  demonstrator  for  that  day  will  be  Allison  Finch,
 May) and by then the sea was    Area  Demonstrator  and  one  of  our  own  members.
 already  lopping  over  the  sea   There is always lots of fun and laughter with Allison’s demonstrations, together with
 wall   and   depositing   huge   inspiring flowers, so don’t miss it.
 waves into the lido itself. I swam   The theme for the month’s stall is Bags of Any  Type,  Come early and see if you
 on  as  the  pool  ebbed  and   can bag a bargain.  As always, the stall has a wide variety of items.
 flowed   before   me.   My
 surroundings   were   positively   Visitors and new members are always welcome to come along.  Your first visit is
 atmospheric   and   for   the   free of charge.
 moment, it was all mine. I had completed 10 lengths of the pool when the outside
 sea water was completely submerging the ends so after a couple of collisions with   Congratulations to all the  members who entered Dorset County Show.  Whether
 the side, I decided to retreat to swim another day.   prize winners of not, you all flew the flag proudly for the club and represented us
        so well.
 As  I  got  out  of  the  pool,  white  horses  were  cascading  out  to  sea  providing  a
 dramatic backdrop. Even the surfers had retreated to where ever surfers go when   For  information,  contact  Chairman  Bob  Holman  01305  8482262  or  email
 conditions  are  too  rough.  As  I  was  dressing,  the  pool  was  being  closed  by  the
 lifeguard, presumably for the rest of the day.

 Sunday was my last day in Bude and I had enjoyed my stay in the town, a surfer’s
 paradise but also a lovely friendly family orientated Cornish holiday retreat. With
 Diana, we made our way to the pool in the glorious early afternoon sun.   When you respond to

 Descending  the  steps  yet
 again,  I  could  see  a  great   advertisers, do please
 deal  of  activity  before  me.
 Youngsters   were   playing   tell them you saw their
 around  on  the  edge  of  the
 pool  and  one  or  two  were   advert in this magazine
 brave  enough  to  swim  as  it
 had  been slightly  warmed by   -  it helps them monitor
 the  morning  sun.  The  scene
 had  an aesthetic quality  and   the effectiveness of
 you   could   imagine   the
 Newlyn School painters doing   their advert and helps
 their  stuff  with  this  sort  of
 material. I loved it!    us generate more

 "Hi  again!"  called  my  friendly   advertising revenue!!
 lifeguard  "going  to  swim  your  mile  today?"  On  this  occasion  the  pool  was  a
 millpond and I swam my 20 lengths (2 for luck!) in good time. At the end of each

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