Page 30 - BR October 2023 (1)
P. 30

October 2023                                                                        October 2023
       plastics  is  set  to  come  into  force.  The  ban  will  include  single-use  plastic  plates,
       trays, bowls, cutlery, balloon sticks, and certain types of polystyrene cups and food
       containers. The ban on these items will include online and over-the-counter sales
       and supply, from new and existing stock.
       It will mean that businesses can no longer supply, sell, or offer these types of single-
       use plastics  to customers.  Businesses  will  need to use alternative  options instead.
       The  UK  Government  announced  the  ban  in  January  this  year,  giving  businesses
       time to prepare for the change.


       We  really  appreciate  all  the  kind
       d o n a t i o n s    m a d e    t o    o u r
       recent    Alzheimer's  Society  Memory
       Walk.  We  walked    to  raise  awareness
       and in the hope that one day soon the
       cure for dementia  will be found.
       With  your support we raised £400 for a
       cause  that  is  so  dear  to  our  hearts.

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