Page 25 - BR October 2023 (1)
P. 25

October 2023                         October 2023

 Dorset Property Care   BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND
 Based in Briantspuddle
    Services   We may be lucky and have a few more days of warm
    Building maintenance   summery  days,  although  the  swallows  and  house
    General joinery      martins have flown ‘home’ and in truth Autumn is truly
    Garden maintenance   upon us.  Along with shortening daylight hours, heavy
       dews  and  misty  mornings  we  will  start  to  witness  the
    Garden landscaping   wonderful natural spectacle of trees’ leaves changing
    Kitchens   colour. This is caused by the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves decreasing and
    Man and digger hire   revealing the colours of other pigments that are present in the leaves but hidden
       by the dominant green colour of chlorophyll. In turn we will see the leaves fall as
    Waste carrier licence    the trees prepare for over-wintering. Don’t worry – they’ll soon be back with the
       vibrant colours of Spring. In the meantime, we can enjoy the shape and structure

 07973 158092   of the trees’ branches.   Souls Moor Pony Migration
       OK,  not  really  a  migration!  But,  the  ponies  will  soon  be  leaving  their  summer
       pastures  at  Souls  Moor  and  returning  to  winter  quarters.  Do  say  ‘goodbye’  to
       them  before  they  leave  and  thank  them  for  endlessly  munching  through  the
       grass.  Their  work  will  help  native  flowers,  such  as  orchids  and  many  others,  to
    G P Lewis    flourish in the Spring. If it wasn’t for the work of the ponies those flowers would be
 Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator   overwhelmed by the stronger grasses and eventually disappear.

       Hornets and an impersonating Hoverfly
 All aspects of painting and
 decorating undertaken including   Hornets have a bad press, understandably so as their stings are painful and can,
       of  course,  cause  an  allergic  reaction  in  some  people.  The  European    Hornet  is
 Domestic, New builds, Refurbs   native  and  commonly  seen  locally,  depending  upon  whether  it  is  a  male  or
 and Commercial.   queen it can vary in size from 25mm to 35mm. It is most obviously distinguished
 Qualified and with over 30 years   from wasps by its greater size.
 experience, will offer friendly   The  Asian  Hornet  is  an  invasive  non-native  species  which,  thankfully,  still  a  rare
       visitor.  It  is  somewhat  smaller  than  the  European  Hornet  and  its  body  is  almost
 advice if needed.   entirely dark. They are particularly bad news for bee keepers as they raid hives
    1st class finish   If you require a job done hassle free   and  eat  bees. If  one is  sighted it  should  be reported  to  the Centre  for Ecology
       and Hydrology and measures will be taken to locate and destroy it / any nest.
    Free written quotes   by an honest, friendly tradesman   Interestingly,  there  is  a  completely  harmless  hoverfly  which  has  the  general
    Fully insured   please give Gavin a call on   appearance  of  the  European  Hornet,  as  a  means  of  warning  off  potential
    No job too small or big   01929 471704 or 07977   predators. It has been spotted locally. Its Latin name is Volucella Zonaria, but is
 047314, Email:
    No VAT   more  commonly  known  as  the  Hornet  Mimic  Hoverfly.  At  almost  20m  long,  the

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