Page 43 - oct2022
P. 43

October 2022                                                                        October 2022

       train  with  the  Bournemouth  Dolphins                                                  RECIPE OF THE MONTH
       Lifeguards  Courtney  Lowman  was  in                                                        Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites
       her  first  week  of  the  job  and  Robyn
       Charles  had  been  working  at  the
       pool  for  10  months.  They  were  both                                               Spicy Apple Chutney
       hoping  to  travel  and  go  off  to
       university eventually.                                                                 Make this now and it will be ready for Christmas and not only is it delicious
       I managed a few lengths of the pool                                                    but makes wonderful gifts. Perhaps an idea for the children to do.
       in the warm (28.8C) clear water and
       then  surveyed  my  fellow  swimmers.                                                  Ingredients
       They were mostly gently plodding up
       and down, some with a serene head up breaststroke, some a steady front crawl.               250g  (9oz)  chopped
       There was of course plenty of time for a chat as swimming can be very sociable.              onions
       It was then that I noticed it. John had told me that there remained a small hole in         1 kg (2lb 4oz) cooking
                                                                                                    apples, peeled, cored
       the  roof  where the  glitter  ball  used  to hang  during dance nights.  There  are  not    and chopped
                                             many that know that, I thought rather
                                               smugly!                                             125g  (  4oz)  sultanas
                                                                                                    ( or raisins or chopped
                                               My  swim  completed,  I  was  able  to               dates)
                                               watch  the  centre’s  Swim  Academy                  1 slightly rounded tbsp of ground coriander
                                               in  operation.    There  are  over  600        
                                               pupils  registered  for  swimming                   1 slightly rounded tbsp paprika
                                               lessons  currently  and  I  could  see              1 slightly rounded tbsp of mixed spice
                                               why  given  the  enthusiasm  and                    1 slightly rounded tbsp salt
                                               expertise  shown  by  the  teachers                  350g (12oz) granulated sugar
                                               that  afternoon.  Jeanette  Francis            
                                               was  taking  the  older  children  and              700ml (1 1/4 pints) malt vinegar
                                               clearly  making  it  fun  so  that  they
                                               were  eager  to  learn  new  skills.  Rob      Method
                                               Martinez and Cesar Mateus were in
       the  pool  with  the  little  ones  showing  great  encouragement  and  making  the    1.    Put all ingredients into a large pan
       experience a happy one.
                                                                                              2.    Slowly  bring  to  boil,  stirring  often,  until  sugar  has  completely
       On the afternoon of my visit I got the feeling that this was an old building which           dissolved.
       had  moved  with  the  times  and  was  bursting  with  life  and  vitality.  There  was  so
       much going on from the “Wet & Wacky” (inflatable swim toys) for the youngsters         3.    Simmer for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs stirring from time to time
       to the “Swim & Chill” and lane sessions for the adults.                                4.    After  1  1/2  hours  at  15min intervals  drag  a  wooden  spoon  through

       Various  clubs  use  the  centre  with  the  Bournemouth  Swimming  Club  playing            the mixture - until chutney is thick and channel does not refill quickly.
       regular  water  polo games  in the pool.  Did  you  know that  the game  originated    5.    remove from heat , leave to stand briefly
       from the town with regular games off the pier in the late19 .century?
                                                                                              6.    Pour into hot sterilised jars and seal
       However, I must not ramble as this very much loved pool, though a listed building,
       is  still  fit  for  purpose  in  the  early  21 .century.  John  tells  me  that  most  of  his   7.   Store for at least 2 months before eating, just intime for Christmas.

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