Page 38 - oct2022
P. 38

October 2022                         October 2022

 CITIZENS ADVICE –   Discard dead  button  batteries straightaway  as  even  dead  button  batteries can
       still have enough power to badly hurt a small child. When you remove a button
 HERE FOR LOCAL   battery, store it securely, and recycle it properly and promptly.
 RESIDENTS   Act promptly  if  you  suspect a  child  has swallowed a  button battery,  take  them
       straight to the nearest A&E department or call 999 for an ambulance. Take the
       battery  packaging,  toy,  or gadget  if you can,  to  help  staff identify the  battery.
 With winter approaching and the on-going cost of living crisis, many people are   Symptoms  may  not  be  obvious.  Your  child  might  be  coughing,  gagging,  or
 increasingly worried about how they are going to pay bills, heat their home and   drooling,  or  pointing  to  their  throat  or  tummy.  Unclear  or  fluctuating  symptoms
 put food on the table.   mean it is important to be vigilant. Do not let your child eat or drink and do not
 Citizens Advice in East Dorset and Purbeck would like to remind residents to seek   make them be sick.
 help early on and that they are here to offer free advice and support.
 Experienced  advisers  are  available  to  provide  support  about  a  wide  range  of
 issues including, debt, energy advice, employment, benefits and housing. There is
 a range of support available particularly to low income households which many
 residents may not know about.
 Advice  is  provided through multiple  channels including  telephone,  email, video
 conferencing and face to face from our offices in Wimborne and Wareham and
 from  outreach  services  across  the  region.  Home  visits  are  also  offered  to  those
 more vulnerable people who are unable to access these services.

    Free Carbon Monoxide
 Citizens  Advice  in  East  Dorset
 and  Purbeck  are  offering  free
 Carbon  Monoxide  Monitors.
 Please  speak  to  an  adviser  for
 a  chat  about  the  dangers  of
 Carbon   Monoxide   (CO)
 poisoning  and  a  free  monitor                Quality Tax and
 will be ordered for you.   KingsBere               Accounting

 Drop-in Locations   Accountants           For professional advice, dealing with all
 Local residents can call into one of the drop-in sessions at the following locations.   aspects of accounts and tax
 Advice is free and no appointment is necessary:
 • Wareham Citizens Advice - Thursday 10am-12noon   Day and evening appointments available
 • Lytchett Matravers Library - Friday 10am-12noon
 •  Swanage  Town  Hall  -  Wednesday  10am-2pm  (except  first  Wednesday  of  the   Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304

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