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P. 41

October 2022                                                                        October 2022

       STOKEWOOD ROAD SWIMMING POOL,                                                        the winter it was emptied and a sprung dance floor was laid with a raised stage
                                                                                            for the band. The building was also used for indoor bowls and would you believe
       BOURNEMOUTH                                                                          it, professional boxing tournaments.

                                                                                            The pool measured 25 yards by 12 yards and its dimensions remain the same to
                                                                                            this day as does its original tiles, a grand reflection of our Imperial past.
       Stokewood Leisure Centre
                                                                                            A major bombing raid during the last war violently shook the building much to the
       “I  will  go  and  find  him”  said  the                                             surprise and consternation of the swimmers inside. It was used at this time as an
       friendly  lady  behind  the  reception                                               emergency water supply by the fire brigade and allocated a couple of days a
       desk and within a few minutes John                                                   week exclusively for servicemen. It also served as an emergency, first aid and gas
       Davies  the  Stokewood  Leisure                                                      decontamination centre.
       Centre  manager  emerged  from  a
       side  office  to  warmly  greet  me.                                                 After the war the regular dances and indoor bowling continued until 1957 when
       John, a bright and bubbly brummie                                                    they ceased to be run during the winter months and the pool has been used all
       exuded enthusiasm from the start. I                                                  year round ever since.
       must confess that I warm to people
       who  are  passionate  about  what                                                    The pool experienced a large fire in 1967 and underwent a major refurbishment
       they  do  and  prepared  to  bring                                                   and sadly in my view the old changing cubicles were ripped out to be replaced
       success  by  hard  work.  He  had                                                    by  their  modern  equivalent,  changing  rooms  with  coin  operated  lockers.
       come down from Birmingham 20 years ago, first working as a lifeguard and then a      However, we must all move with the times.
       duty manager. He also completed his swimming teacher qualifications and took         When I arrived, the Linwood School pupils (a special school for pupils with learning
       on special projects at the Littledown Centre where he worked with the problems       difficulties) were just leaving and their teacher Justin Stow explained to me how
       of obesity within families.                                                          the short walk to the pool also helped their social skills and road safety awareness.
                                                                                            He told me that his pupils got great enjoyment out of their weekly swim in the pool
       Three  years  ago,  John  took  over  the  management  of  Stokewood  Road  Leisure
       Centre  and  with  his  100  staff  brought  success  and  purpose  to  the  place.  The   and that he found his job both challenging but very rewarding.
       centre was recently awarded the Quest Award for excellence, a leisure industry                                            I soon joined the “Fit & Fifty” group in
       quality award.                                                                                                            what  was  a  public  swimming  session
                                                                                                                                 but felt more like an informal group of
       The pool celebrates its 85th.anniversary in July this and has a remarkable history. It                                    old  friends.  Swimming  is  of course  the
       opened  as  the  Northwood  Estate  Swimming  Baths  on  12 .  July  1930  and  cost                                      one  sport  and  physical  activity  that
       £40,000 to build. It has in its lifetime survived bombing, fire and closure threats.
                                                                                                                                 you  can  take  into  old  age.  I  was
       The opening ceremony was a grand  affair with the town councillors fully robed                                            privileged  to  meet  Joe  (90)  and  his
       “proceeding to the swimming bath hall”. The baths were opened by the mayor                                                wife  Jo  (89)  Goacher  who  told  me
       Councillor  PM  Bright,  JP.  This  was  followed  by  a  handicap  race  for  local                                      that  they  were  married  in  1947,  the
       councillors,  a  demonstration  of  lifesaving  by  the  Bournemouth  School  for  Girls,                                 same  year  as  the  Queen  and  the
       diving  by  the  Amateur  Swimming  Association  and  a grand  swimming  gala!  This                                      Duke  of  Edinburgh,  had  been  invited
       was  rounded  off  with  tea  in  the  club  room  on  the  first  floor  followed  by  an                                to  a  garden  party  at  Buckingham
       inspection of the building by the dignitaries.                                                                            palace  where  they  had  a  wonderful
                                                                                                                                 time!  The  two  met  when  Joe  was  in
       The pool originally had fifty wooden changing cubicles lining its sides with a tiered   the army stationed at Southampton. Why did they come to the Stokewood pool?
       balcony for spectators. 20 slipper baths were also provided and in its early days    “Well, it is better than sitting on your backside!” said Joe.
       before baths were commonplace in normal homes, customers used to come and
       pay 6d (2 ½ p) for a hot fresh water bath with soap and towel. In 1938 you would     I also chatted to their friend John Thompson who came down from the northeast
       have needed to pay 6d extra if you wanted a seawater bath!                           many years ago to join the Junior Leader Regiment at Bovington. He used to be
                                                                                            bussed over to Bournemouth as part of the Army Swimming Association team to
       The pool was originally designed to be used only during the summer months as in

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