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P. 39

October 2022                                                                        October 2022

       SOCIABLE BOOKWORMS                                                                   customers live locally and walk to the pool. The dance studio upstairs is home to a
                                                                                            number of clubs who use the facility. The Gym downstairs brings additional much
                                                                                            needed revenue to help finance the centres activities.
       Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor                                                    There  have  been  many  threats  to  its  future  in  the  past  and  all  have  been
       Jenkins Reid                                                                         withstood  by  strong  local  pressure.  When  the  Littledown  Centre  was  opened in
                                                                                            the 1980s the council looked to cut costs and Stokewood was under real threat of
       It  would  be  unfair  to  say  that  any  of  us  found  this                       closure.  However,  you  get  the  feeling  it  will  take  more  than  the  threat  of  local
       book  to  be  a  page-turner  and,  although  it  did                                government cutbacks or the odd bomb to bring about its demise.
       prompt much discussion, only 3 of our group actually
       found it entertaining enough to finish reading it.                                   This  is  a  real  success  story  all  about  people  power.  The  pool  run  by  BH  Live  for
                                                                                            Bournemouth Council still caters for its wide range of customers. The building still
       This book is written in the style of a series of transcribed interviews. It follows the life   buzzes with excitement and enjoyment. Isn’t this what any sport/ pastime/ activity
       of  Daisy  Jones  as  a  child,  as  a  young  woman  and  as  a  member  of  a  highly   should be all about?
       successful band and explores the challenges that each stage brings.
                                                                                            To mark its 85 .birthday over its anniversary week in July, John and his team will be
                                      While the protagonists, Billy, Daisy and Camila,      inviting all their customers to come and enjoy a swim for 85p. Now what is that in
                                      are  rounded  characters,  whom  we  follow           old money?
                                      through  the  book,  we  agreed  that  the  other
                                      characters  were  fairly  indistinguishable  and                                                                  Bob Holman
                                      therefore  far  less  memorable.    One  of  the
                                      difficulties  we  identified  was  that  we  didn’t
                                      feel we could closely identify with any of the
                                      characters, although we had some respect for
                                      Camila due to the way she reacted to events,
                                      providing  a  stable  and  consistent  presence,
                                      among  the  other  more  impulsive  characters.
                                      A trait that the three main female characters
                                      of  Daisy,  Camila  and  Karen  shared  was  that
                                      they  were  true  to  themselves  being  strong  in
                                      their  own  convictions,  even  when  this  meant
                                      acting against the expectation of others.
                                      We  discussed  the  repeated  theme  of
                                      abandonment  and  how  that  shaped  and
                                      influenced  the  characters.  Also  how  several
                                      characters,  while  loving  each  other,  show
                                      jealousy  and  resentment  of  the  others’
       One  positive  impression  we  were  left  with  was  the  passion  for  music,  in  all  its
       elements, that was evident in the story. However, we felt this was a story that was
       not easy to follow and one with very little plot.

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