Page 47 - oct2022
P. 47

October 2022                                                                        October 2022

       VILLAGE HALL                                                                         BERE REGIS WI

        Hall Bookings                                                                       Summer  has  now  gone  for  another  year  and
                                                                                            what  a  hot  one  we  had.  The  gardens  have
        If you want to book the Hall ,  both of the rooms are £10                           suffered  terribly  especially  the  grass  and  I  am
        per hour ,please phone…                                                             sure the farmers have welcomed the heavy rain
                                                                VILLAGE                     we  have  had  in  the  last  few  days  (but  not  the
        Lyn   Simmonds    on   01929   471528   or   email                                  thunderstorm though)!                                      HALL

        We are happy to show you around if you are not familiar                                                                         On  Bank  Holiday  Monday  -  a
        with the building.                                                                                                              goodness  -  the  Cricket  Club
        The  Hall  need  all  the  bookings  we  can  now  to  help  it  survive,  please  consider                                     welcomed  the  team  from
        using this village facility.                                                                                                    Essex,  plus  their  families,  who
                                                                                                                                        come  every  year  to  play
                                                                                                                                        various  matches  in  Dorset.  We

        Fancy a game of table tennis                                                                                                    were  asked  to  supply  the  tea
                                                                                                                                        for  the  Club  and  we  duly  laid
        As part of our bid to try to generate some income for the Hall we are able to offer                                             out  a  vast  variety  of  food  -
        family  table  tennis  sessions,   if  you  are interested  in  hiring it    the  fee is  £10  per                              sandwiches,  sausage  rolls  and
        family for an hour.                                                                                                             cakes  -  which  were  soon
                                             book.                                                                                      devoured.  I  think  Bere  Regis
                                             Please  telephone  01929  472023  to
                                                                                            enjoyable day was had by both teams and onlookers.
                                                                                            On a more serious note it is impossible not to notice the effects of climate change
                                                                                            across  the  world  but  the  WI  is  shouting  louder  than  ever  about  protecting  our
                                                                                            planet.  This  Summer  the  NFWI  was  invited  to  talk  at  the  United  Nations  2022
                                                                                            Ocean Conference in Lisbon. It is the first time in many years that
                                               The village hall is an ideal venue for
                                               myny village activities                      the WI has received such international recognition and it really shows the power
                                                                                            of our collective voice.
                                                                                            September  means  WI  Day  and  the  16th  September  is  a  chance  for  us  to
                                                                                            celebrate  our  organisation,  everything  we  stand  for  and  everything  we  have
                                                                                            achieved.  At  the  present  moment  the  WI  are  campaigning  on  the  issue  of
                                                                                            modern slavery, stem cell donors and something close to our personal lives - do
                                                                                            we become a cashless society? This may be good for the Banks but does affect
                                                                                            the normal public, especially those without a Bank account.
                                                                                            On the 21st of September we are celebrating a special occasion to remember
                                                                                            one  of  our  dearest  members  but  a  full  article  will  appear  in  the  next  Parish
                                                                                            Magazine to tell all about it.

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