Page 35 - oct2022
P. 35

October 2022                                                                        October 2022

                                                 GARDENING CLUB

                                     Well at last we have rain in the garden and the
                                     grass is green.  It gives us all a chance to be a
                                     bit optimistic and enjoy autumn produce.  This is
       a time to think ahead and plan next year.
       In  September  we  enjoyed  an  interesting  talk  from  Seb  Haggett  from  Wild
       Woodbury who talked about the Wildlife Trust plans for court green Farm.  We will
       look forward to seeing how the development of wild food production on the site
       over the next few years.  Hopefully there will be lots of changes and new wildlife
       to be seen on site over the next few years.
       I  also  gave  a  twenty  minute  short  presentation  of  the  making  Crabapple  and
       bramble jellies.  I hope it encouraged a few members to have a go.

                                                        Next month is our Harvest
                                                        Supper  on  Tuesday  4
                                                        October.    It  will  be
                                                        traditional  menu    -    cold
                                                        meats  baked  potatoes,
                                                        and  salads  followed  by
                                                        puddings  and  cheese
                                                        and  biscuits.    Members
                                                        have  to  bring  their  own
                                                        knives  plates  and  cutlery
                                                        and drinks.  Please let me
                                                        know  if  you  want  to
                                                        come  and  if  you  can
                                                        volunteer  to  bring  a
                                                        salad or pudding.
                                                        After  the  meal  Pip  Evans
       is  giving  a  short  presentation  on  pictures  from  various  World  Gardens  he  has
       visited.  Pip is not a keen gardener.  This does not stop you enjoying gardens or
       appreciating them.

       Please  let  me  know  if  you  would  like  to  come  email  me  on
       Finally looking ahead in November we have a talk on herbaceous perennials and
       December a talk on growing wild flower meadow.

                                                                      Sue Stone

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